Report: Israel world’s eighth largest arms exporter

Iron domeIron dome

An Iron Dome battery intercepts rockets from Gaza. (Flash90/Uri Lenzl)

Between 2013 and 2017, Israel’s share of total global arms jumped by more than 50% compared to the previous report covering 2008 to 2012.


Israel is the eighth largest arms exporter in the world according to a report released earlier this week by the Stockholm international Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) detailing global arms dealing trends in the years 2013-2017. During that time, Israel’s share of total global arms increased by 55% compared to the previous report covering the period for 2008 to 2012, during which Israel was the world’s 10th largest arms exporter, and now accounts for 2.9% of global arms exports, compared with 2.1% in the previous report.

India was Israel’s largest customer, accounting for a massive 49% of all deals during the period of the report, followed by Azerbaijan (13%), and Vietnam (6.3%).

According to the report, Israel military exports included missiles, radars (and other sensors) and unmanned aerial vehicles

Israel’s arms imports increased by 125%. The United States accounted for 60% of these arms imports. Major deliveries in 2013–17 included 9 (of a total order of 50) F-35 combat aircraft. These aircraft significantly strengthen Israel’s options to strike targets throughout the Middle East, the report said. Germany delivered two submarines to Israel in 2013–17, accounting for 30% of Israel’s arms imports in that period. In 2017 Germany agreed to supply a further three submarines to Israel.

The US maintained its position as the world’s largest arms exporter, with its share of total exports rising from 30% to 34% and growing by 25 % over the previous period. In 2013–17 US arms exports were 58% higher than those of Russia—the second largest arms exporter for that period, compared to just 17% higher than Russia’s in 2008-2012.

States in the Middle East accounted for 49% of US arms exports in 2013–17.

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