Russia: Ukraine blocking Israelis from evacuating

A volunteer holds a Ukrainian flag while directing refugees at a Polish border crossing, March 7, 2022. (AP/Visar Kryeziu)

Russian envoy’s letter provided no evidence.

By David Hellerman, World Israel News

Moscow accused Ukraine of preventing Israelis and other foreigners from leaving the war-torn country, the Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday.

The claim was made in a letter to the to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe by Russia’s representative, Alexander Lukashevich. The OSCE is a regional security-oriented intergovernmental organization of mostly European countries based in Vienna.

Russia’s accusations included an allegation that Ukrainian authorities were preventing foreign nationals with “dark skin” being evacuated, specifying citizens of Israel, Egypt, India, Pakistan and Indonesia.

The letter provided no evidence.

On Friday, Israel’s Border Crossings, Population and Immigration Administration reported that 1,408 foreigners with Ukrainian passports have arrived in Israel since Russia’s invasion.

Ukrainian men between the ages of 18-60 — including those who have dual nationality with other countries — are barred from leaving the Ukraine.

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not comment on the Russian claims.

The letter also accused Ukraine of using civilians as human shields.

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