‘SHAME ON YOU’ – Israeli amb. gives parting shot to UN for ignoring Iranian threat

Gilan Erdan
Gilan ErdanGilan Erdan

Israeli ambassador Gilan Erdan holds up photo of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler during a UNSC debate on Palestinian Statehood, April 2024 (YouTube screenshot)

Gilad Erdan blasts UN Security Council for ignoring Iranian threat, instead “wasting time on Hamas terrorists’ lies.”

By World Israel News Staff

Israel’s outgoing ambassador to the United Nations used his final speech to slam the body for its hypocrisy, after it convened to discuss IDF air strikes on trusted but ignored Hezbollah’s killing of children and teens in late July.

Algeria, which does not recognize the State of Israel, called an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss recent Israeli Air Force bombing of Hamas terrorists, who were hiding in a school in the Gaza Strip.

“You convened for these terrorists who used a school as their terror base, but for the children of Majdal Shams, murdered by Hezbollah’s rocket fire, you couldn’t find the time for an urgent session,” ambassador Gilad Erdan told the Council.

“Shame on you!”

Erdan noted that the terrorists’ decision to leverage a civilian site as a base for its violent attacks against Israel is in direct violation of international law, as it involves the use of human shields.

The Hamas-controlled Gazan Health Ministry claimed that dozens of women and children were killed in the strike, without providing evidence for that claim.

Israel has presented a list of the names of Hamas operatives who were killed in the bombing and has asserted that collateral damage to civilians was minimal.

“The Council convened today to discuss Hamas’ false claims,” Erdan continued.

“Shockingly, it seems that you have decided to dedicate your time to listen to the terrorists’ lies while no real concern has been shown when Israeli children were murdered recently by Hezbollah.”

Erdan also blasted the Council for ignoring ongoing Iranian threats towards Israel, which threatens to plunge the Middle East into a devastating all-out war.

“Right now, millions of Israelis are preparing for a direct Iranian attack, just as they did in April. Iran’s aggression threatens the entire region with war. Yet, you are here wasting time on falsehoods spread by the words of terrorists.”

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