Anti-Israel groups, activists mourn Nasrallah’s death, condemn Israel for killing terrorist leader

Hezbollah flag being waved in NYC. (Twitter Screenshot)

Various chapters of the anti-Israel activist group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) praised Nasrallah in official statements.

By Corey Walker, The Algemeiner

Anti-Israel groups and individuals have largely condemned the Jewish state’s military operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon, eulogizing the Iran-backed terrorist group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, and falsely accusing Israel of targeting civilians.

Following Israel’s recent successful elimination of several high-ranking terrorists in Lebanon, including Nasrallah, critics of the Jewish state have accused the country of waging an “indiscriminate” bombing campaign.

Many of these critics have outright praised the terrorists as vanguards of a so-called “resistance movement against Israel.

The “Arab Feminism Movement,” a group which purports to advance women’s causes throughout the Arab world, issued a statement mourning the death of Nasrallah, who was killed in an Israeli strike on Hezbollah’s headquarters in Beirut on Friday.

“The Arab Women’s Movement mourns Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. The leader who confronted all the colonial powers in the world, supported the oppressed of our Arab nation, offered his sons as martyrs for the liberation of our homelands, and refused to ascend except as a martyr,” the group wrote.

Various chapters of the anti-Israel activist groups “Students for Justice in Palestine” (SJP) and “Jewish Voice for Peace” (JVP) also praised Nasrallah in official statements.

Following Nasrallah’s death, JVP’s chapter at the University of Michigan called for the eradication of the Jewish state, posting on social media that “death to Israel is not just a threat, it is a moral imperative and the only acceptable solution. May the entire colony burn to the ground for good.”

Meanwhile, Columbia University’s chapter of SJP hosted an “anti-genocide rally” to protest the killing of Nasrallah, one of the world’s most notorious terrorists for the past three decades.

In addition, Columbia SJP shared a social media post which claimed, “Hezbollah and Hamas were only formed in response to the brutality, Israhell [sic] has been killing people in the Levant region for years prior.”

SJP and JVP have been instrumental in organizing widespread anti-Israel protests on university campuses across the US in recent months.

Katie Halper, a Jewish leftist podcast host, posted that Nasrallah “understood Zionism more than Zionists do.” Halper has repeatedly invited guests on her show who have downplayed the prevalence of antisemitism in society and insisted on the dissolution of the Jewish state.

Rania Khalek, a host for the so-called “anti-imperialist” media outlet Breakthrough News, praised Nasrallah as the leader of “the most, I think, important and powerful armed resistance groups in the Middle East.”

Khalek continued, arguing that Nasrallah correctly identified Israel as a puppet for “American imperialism” in the Middle East and “the head of the American snake.”

Notably, Khalek has repeatedly defended Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s chemical attacks against the Syrian population, denied the existence of Uyghur concentration camps in China, and has expressed support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Nasrallah has been linked to several terrorist attacks that have murdered hundreds of Americans, Lebanese, Frenchmen, and others, including the suicide truck bombings in 1983 and 1984 in Beirut that targeted the US embassy, the US Marine barracks, and the US embassy annex.

More than 300 Americans and Lebanese died in those attacks alone. As the leader of Hezbollah, he was also involved in orchestrating several attacks targeting Israeli and Jewish targets around the wold.

Nonetheless, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization with documented connections to terrorist groups such as Hamas, condemned Israel’s military operations in Lebanon as a “slaughter” of innocent civilians.

The group did not mention Israel’s successful elimination of Nasrallah, nor did it mention Hezbollah’s unrelenting barrages of rockets, missiles, and drones into Israel for the past year that prompted the current Israeli operations.

“As Israel slaughters civilians and destroys cities with impunity throughout the Middle East, the Biden administration ignores US and international laws and norms by supporting — through actions and inaction — the far-right Netanyahu government’s obvious desire for an all-out regional conflict,” the group said in a statement.

“The Biden administration’s complicity in this killing and destruction must end. President Biden must act to force a ceasefire.”

Shaun King, an American social justice activist, posted, “​​They have no idea how resistance works.” He also shared an X/Twitter post from Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei which called on “all the Resistance forces in the region [to] stand with and support [Hezbollah].“

Hezbollah has fired barrages of rockets, missiles, and drones at northern Israel almost daily following the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas-led Palestinian terrorists on the Jewish state’s southern region.

Since then, both sides have been exchanging fire constantly while avoiding a major escalation as war rages in Gaza to the south.

About 80,000 Israelis have been forced to evacuate their homes in northern Israel and flee to other parts of the country amid the unrelenting attacks from Hezbollah.

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