Berlin restaurant throws out Israeli ambassador

Ron ProsorRon Prosor

Ron Prosor poses at his home in Tzur Hadassah, September 9, 2016. (Nati Shohat/Flash90)

Anti-Israel left-wing Israeli expat living in Germany orders Israeli ambassador out of his café.

By David Rosenberg, World Israel News

Israel’s ambassador to Germany was ordered to leave a Berlin restaurant this week, after the owner recognized the ambassador as a representative of the State of Israel.

The incident occurred on Monday, when Avi Berg, an Israeli expatriate living in Berlin who owns the Café Dodo restaurant spotted Ambassador Ron Prosor in his establishment.

“I had the honor, about an hour ago, to tell the Israeli Ambassador to Germany – who was sitting in Dodo – that because he represents Israel and because he is implementing the unacceptable and manipulative policy [of Israel] which portrays all criticism of Israel as antisemitism – a policy that paints me and people like me as antisemites – he is not welcome in my café,” Berg wrote on Facebook.

“I asked him and his entourage of German guards to leave the establishment. And they did so immediately.”

Two days later, Berg told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that he targeted Prosor as a representative of the State of Israel – not for any actions or comments by Prosor personally.

“I would like to emphasize that I did what I did specifically because the ambassador isn’t an individual but an official representative of the state of Israel and since he and the embassy are deeply involved in putting pressure on the Bundestag and on German media and institutions to block any criticism of Israel and toany such criticism as antisemitism.”

“This diplomacy is implemented all over the world, but is especially effective in Germany… This policy is also very damaging against the fight against genuine antisemitism!”

Berg’s Facebook page includes numerous comments and posts of articles condemning Israel for “horrific racist crime[s].”

One post linked to an article by the far-left anti-Israel blog titled “Yes, Israel is a racist state.”

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