Evangelical Christians vow to push Congress on pro-Israel legislation

John HageeJohn Hagee

Pastor John Hagee, head of Christian United For Israel (Abir Sultan/Flash90)

Christians United For Israel resolved at the end of their annual summit to push three key pro-Israel bills in Congress. 

By: World Israel News Staff

Christians United for Israel (CUFI) on Tuesday introduced the legislative agenda as part of the group’s annual Washington Summit, which focuses on pro-Israel legislation.

The 5,000 attendees will advocate for bi-partisan, pro-Israel legislation on Capitol Hill as CUFI members will be meeting with more than 98 percent of all congressional offices.

Pastor John Hagee, founder and chairman of CUFI, said in advance of his meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that he was grateful for the opportunity to meet with him again and to “advocate for the strong and unwavering support of Israel” alongside CUFI members.

“Nearly 13 years ago I sought to create an organization that would awaken the sleeping giant of Christian Zionism. From advancing the Taylor Force Act to seeing the US Embassy moved to Jerusalem, that vision is being realized,” said Hagee.

Ending UNRWA’s skewed refugee status

CUFI members will urge Congress members to co-sponsor and pass three urgent pieces of legislation, including the UNRWA Reform and Refugee Support Act (H.R. 6451).

The Palestinians have a unique definition for their status as “refugees” that has permitted them to inflate their number significantly. Specifically, refugee status for Palestinians is passed on to succeeding generations and is unaffected by citizenship from other countries, in contrast to the definition of refugee status for every other refugee population in the world.

Therefore, the vast majority of “refugees” in Jordan, more than two million, are citizens of the country who identify as Palestinian.

The Palestinians’ status as refugees ensures an endless flow of international aid along with other financial ramifications.

This bill would have the bulk of US aid for the Palestinians shift from UNRWA to USAID.

“This legislation is the path forward to correct UNRWA’s inflated refugee problem. Descendants of refugees are simply not refugees. This bill will ensure that US tax dollars only go to helping true refugees,” said Rep. Doug Lamborn, a bill co-sponsor.

Fighting boycotts

The Second bill, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S. 720), would expand and update existing laws to prohibit US companies from participating in boycotts organized by international organizations such as the UN and the European Union.

Similar legislation, H.R. 1697, is under consideration in the House.

The old law already forbids “support” for foreign state boycotts of Israel, and the many regulations enacted pursuant to the law already define “support” to be limited to “certain specified actions” that go well beyond merely “speech” support. The new bill does not change or alter the meaning of “support.” It simply clarifies the list of foreign boycotts covered by the law.

The current legislation would amend the Export Administration Act of 1979 and extend protection to American companies from boycotts not only by Arab nations, the target of the 1979 legislation, but from international bodies too.

Combating the use of human shields

The third bill, STOP Using Human Shields Act, is a bi-partisan bill filed on Tuesday by Senators Ted Cruz and Joe Donnelly.

This bill condemns the use of human shields, a tactic often employed by the Hamas and Hezbollah terror organizations, and requires the president to list and sanction terrorists and other individuals involved in building the relevant infrastructure and otherwise attempting to use human shields.

Throughout the year, the CUFI Action Fund works closely with members of Congress, supporting legislation that strengthens the Jewish state’s security and the unshakable bond between the US and Israel.

With more than 4.3 million members, CUFI is the largest pro-Israel organization in the US and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world.

CUFI spans all 50 states and reaches millions with its message. Each year CUFI holds hundreds of pro-Israel events in cities around the country, and each July, thousands of pro-Israel Christians gather in Washington, D.C. to participate in the CUFI Washington Summit and make their voices heard in support of Israel and the Jewish people.

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