Evangelical leader: Omar ‘hypnotized Congress’

Ilhan Omar (r) (AP Photo/Susan Walsh); Laurie Cardoza-Moore (l) (Facebook).

“Americans will not tolerate anti-Semitism, whether delivered from a Christian Nationalist, a member of the KKK or an Islamist,” announced Evangelical Christian leader Laurie Cardoza-Moore.

By World Israel News Staff

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, who heads a pro-Israel Christian non-profit called Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN), took aim at Democratic lawmaker Ilhan Omar on Tuesday, saying she had “hypnotized Congress,” a reference to Omar’s 2012 tweet in which she said that Israel had “hypnotized the world.”

Cardoza-Moore also blasted Fox News Network for suspending Fox show host Jeanine Pirro for criticizing the freshmen congresswoman on air.

PJTN is currently circulating a petition demanding Omar’s “immediate resignation from Congress which has garnered tens of thousands of signatures.

The petition refers to Omar’s “ties to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR),” noting the organization’s status as “as an unindicted co-conspirator” in a case focused on the Holy Land Foundation, an Islamic charity whose former officials were convicted of providing material support to groups such as the Hamas terror organization and the Islamic Association for Palestine.

“Americans will not tolerate anti-Semitism, whether delivered from a Christian Nationalist, a member of the KKK or an Islamist,” Cardoza-Moore said in a statement posted to the PJTN website on Tuesday.

Cardoza-Moore KKK remark is likely a reference to the support for Omar expressed by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, who recently referred to her as the “most important member of Congress.”

Cardoza-Moore also accused Omar of waging a “war to sanitize anti-Semitism,” vowing that “people will not tolerate her veiled anti-Semitic threats.”

In addition to targeting Omar’s comments, Cardoza-Moore maintains that Omar “continues to fund raise for Muslim Brotherhood affiliates and flaunt her connections to these subversive organizations which seek the destruction of America and Israel.”

Cardoza-Moore’s latest comments come after Fox News on Monday condemned statements made by weekend host Jeanine Pirro regarding Omar’s adherence to Islamic law, which Pirro suggested is “antithetical to the U.S. Constitution.”

Omar tied to Muslim Brotherhood?

As part of Cardoza-Moore’s initiative, she dropped off letters last week at the offices of Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and U.S. Attorney-General William Barr, demanding an investigation into Omar’s alleged relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist movement linked to terror groups such as Hamas.

Omar has faced anti-Semitism accusations since 2012, when she tweeted that “evil” Israel had “hypnotized the world” in connection with the Israeli military’s operations against Hamas.

During her campaign for a seat in the House, she told a crowd of 1,000 at a Minneapolis-area synagogue that the anti-Israel BDS movement is “unhelpful,” but admitted one week after winning the election that she had always supported boycotts of the Jewish state.

Since entering Congress in January, Omar has accused the pro-Israel AIPAC lobbying group of paying off elected officials to support Israel and has made a number of comments invoking the dual loyalty canard against those who support Israel, a common theme in anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Omar’s comments resulted in a resolution passed in the House condemning anti-Semitism, in addition to a wide variety of other forms of hatred and bigotry.

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