Former Mossad chief told lover state secrets – report

Yossi Cohen, then head of the Mossad, addresses a Cyber-tech conference at Tel Aviv University, June 24, 2019. (Flash90)

Yossi Cohen had an affair and divulged state secrets, Channel 13 reports. 

The former head of Israel’s national intelligence agency divulged state secrets to his lover, according to a Channel 13 program, Times of Israel reported.

The affair began in late 2018, according to Channel 13’s HaMakor investigative program. The former Mossad chief bragged to his lover about secret operations around the world along with other confidential information, the report said.

“He told lots of stories, including about Mossad,” well-known businessman Guy Shiker, told the investigative program, Times of Israel reported. “He’s a blabbermouth. He starts telling me that Mossad is ‘sitting’ on a doctor of a well-known Arab leader.”

“He tells me, ‘When I was appointed to be Mossad chief, listen carefully, within 10 days, I fired six [top officials]… because they weren’t loyal to the system. They weren’t good. They thought I was their best friend when we were equals. The moment I was appointed [I fired them], without mercy.”

Channel 13 published reports about Cohen’s alleged affair with a flight attendant back in July.

According to one report, a complaint was sent to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and the Ministry of Justice that Cohen had violated security rules and exposed the woman to classified information.

“I have not committed any information security offenses, there is no flight attendant and no close contact. The Attorney General has not contacted me regarding any complaint,” Cohen responded.

According to another report, a few days after the flight attendant and her husband signed a divorce agreement in October 2019, the husband was summoned to a pre-dismissal hearing from a large investment company where he worked, despite the fact that he was considered an “excellent” employee.

Subsequently, according to the report, he claimed that he was fired because of the relationship between Cohen and his wife. The former head of the Mossad’s sister-in-law is Zehavit Cohen, a woman with great influence in the company from which the husband was dismissed.

Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heaped praise upon Cohen at a farewell ceremony in May. Cohen was “one of the best Mossad heads ever,” said Netanyahu of the man who is widely believed to have been his longtime confidant.

Cohen has again denied sharing any state secrets, Times of Israel said.

The full report is expected to air Tuesday on Channel 13.

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