Halamish terrorist’s family members sent to jail for failing to prevent brutal murders

Terrorist Omar Al-Abed in courtTerrorist Omar Al-Abed in court

Terrorist Omar Al-Abed who stabbed to death members of the Salomon family. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

A terrorist’s family members were sentenced to prison for failing to take steps to prevent the Halamish murders, despite their knowledge of the terrorist’s intention to commit these heinous acts. 

An Israeli military court on Sunday convicted five relatives of a Palestinian terrorist who murdered three members of an Israeli family. The convictions were based on the family members’ knowledge of the impending attack ahead of time and their failure to take any action to warn the Jewish state. As a result, these individuals are being sent to prison.

On July 21, Omar al-Abed infiltrated the Salomon home in Halamish and fatally stabbed Yosef Salomon, 70, and his children Chaya Salomon, 46, and Elad Salomon, 36. Yosef’s wife Tova, 68, was seriously wounded.

The brutal attack occurred as the family was gathered around the table for a festive Sabbath meal and to celebrate the birth of a new grandson.

Al-Abed, who was shot and neutralized during the attack by a soldier on furlough, will soon stand trial.

Al-Abed’s father, mother, two brothers and an uncle were subsequently arrested, tried and convicted of failing to prevent the attack themselves or notifying the authorities of Al-Abed’s murderous intentions.

Al-Abed’s two brothers and uncle were sentenced to eight months in prison, his father was sentenced to two months incarceration, and his mother was sentenced to a month in prison and a fine for incitement and glorifying her son’s actions after the attack. The five also received suspended sentences.

Their sentencing set a legal precedent for future terror cases.

The family’s home was razed by the IDF earlier this month. The demolition of terrorists’ homes is meant to serve as deterrence for potential terrorists plotting future attacks.

By: World Israel News Staff

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