WATCH: Israel demolishes home of terrorist who murdered 3 in Har Adar

The moment of the demolition. (Screenshot)

Terrorist Nimr Jamal was killed in September shootout after murdering a border policeman and two civilian security guards.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Israeli forces early Wednesday morning demolished the home of a Palestinian terrorist who murdered three Israelis and seriously wounded a fourth in a shooting attack at Har Adar in September.

The IDF stated that it detonated the home of Nimr Mahmoud Ahmed Jamal in the Palestinian village of Beit Surik. Jamal shot and killed Border Policeman Staff Sergeant Solomon Gavriyah, 20, and civilian security guards Youssef Ottman and Or Arish, both 25. Jamal was killed in the shootout.

Palestinain rioted while the IDF operated in the village. No injuries were reported.

The tearing down of terrorists’ homes are meant to serve as deterrence for potential terrorists plotting future attacks. The ongoing wave of Palestinian terror has claimed the lives of 55 victims in two years.

In related news, IDF forces carrying out counter-terrorism operations throughout Judea and Samaria on Tuesday night arrested two Palestinians wanted for terrorism, confiscated funds meant to fund terrorism in the Gush Etzion area and confiscated illegal weapons at the village of Yatta, near Hebron.

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