Israeli envoy: Obama created ‘alternative universe’ to sell Iran nuclear deal

Former US President Barack Obama (L) and then-Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (AP)

Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the US, says the Obama administration created an “alternative universe” to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the American public.

By: Barney Breen-Portnoy, The Algemeiner

An “alternative universe” was created to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the American people, Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer said on Wednesday.

“Two years ago, a propaganda campaign conducted by a master of fiction manufactured moderation and filled echo chambers with nonsense,” Dermer noted, in an apparent reference to Ben Rhodes, who served as former President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser for strategic communications.

“In this alternative universe, Iran’s path to the bomb has been blocked,” Dermer explained. “In the real world, Iran’s path to the bomb has been paved, because the restrictions the nuclear deal puts in place will be automatically removed in a few years, no matter how Iran behaves. So the clock is ticking. The sands are coming out of that glass and time is literally on their side. You see, Iran won’t need to sneak in or break in to the nuclear club in a few years, they can just walk in.”

The Trump administration and the Israeli government, Dermer continued, now have to cope with the consequences of the July 2015 nuclear agreement.

“America and Israel must stop Iran’s clear path to the bomb,” the ambassador emphasized.

Dermer was speaking at the Endowment for Middle East Truth’s 11th annual Rays of Light in the Darkness Dinner at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, DC. Earlier in his remarks, Dermer said, “Every day, we are treated not just alternative facts about Israel, but to an alternative universe about Israel — an alternative universe of real lies with real consequences.”

“In this alternative universe, the Jews are the occupiers of Judea, the Western Wall is occupied Palestinian territory and the Jewish people have no right to the land that we have lived in for nearly 4,000 years and to a capital that we have faced in prayer for over 2,000 years,” he went on to say. “In this alternative universe, Israel is routinely accused of being a racist apartheid state, despite being the only country in the Middle East where Arabs are free, despite being the only country in history that took blacks out of Africa to freedom and despite being a country that is treating enemies bent on its destruction more compassionately than any other country in history, period. I’ve long joked that maybe the Palestinians are the chosen people, because they have been blessed with Israel as an enemy.”

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