Israeli forces demolish home of Palestinian terrorist responsible for killing Israeli parents

IDF forces prepare to demolish a terrorist's home. (Screenshot)

Fighting its relentless war on Palestinian terrorism, IDF forces destroyed the home of a Palestinian terrorist responsible for the murder of two Israeli parents in front of their children.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Israeli forces demolished the home of a Hamas terrorist who led a terror cell that murdered Israeli couple Na’ama and Rabbi Eitam Henkin in front of their children in October.

The IDF said in a statement that, acting in accordance with directives by Minister of Defense Moshe Ya’alon, it razed the home of Rajab Ahmed Mohammed Aliwa in Shechem (Nablus) early Wednesday morning.

No incidents were recorded during the operation and the IDF forces encountered no resistance.

Aliwa commanded the Hamas cell that murdered Na’ama and Eitam Henkin in October. He recruited the cell members, ordered them to execute the attacks and provided them with the weapons. He was arrested by the IDF shortly after the attack.

The IDF has previously destroyed the homes of three of the cell members.

Last night’s home demolition was preceded by the demolition of Ibrahim al-Akari’s home in Jerusalem on Tuesday. Akari murdered two Israelis and wounded 13 in a vehicular attack in November 2014.

The demolition of terrorists’ homes is part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to contend with the recent wave of Palestinian terror attacks which has claimed the lives of 21 Israelis in the past two months and a-half-moths.

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