Jerusalem terrorist stabs, murders young British woman

Jerusalem terrorJerusalem terror

Scene of Jerusalem terror attack, Apr. 14, 2007. (MDA)

A Palestinian terrorist stabbed and killed a young woman from the UK near the Old City of Jerusalem. Two others were wounded.

A 20-year-old British woman has succumbed to her wounds after being stabbed inside a light rail train in Jerusalem just outside the Old City early Friday afternoon.

Two other civilians were also injured, early reports indicate. A pregnant 30-year-old fell when the train made an emergency stop, and a 50-year-old was hurt while fleeing the scene. They were taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center for treatment.

The terrorist, a 57-year-old Arab from Jerusalem, has been neutralized and is under police control.

Light rail service has been stopped.

“When I arrived at the scene of the attack, I saw the train stopped and people rushing out of the cars. I rushed in and saw a young woman in serious condition who lost consciousness during the treatment I had begun, due to the seriousness of the her wounds,” said United Hatzalah EMT volunteer Yechiel Stern.

“I immediately began CPR, and after one minute I was joined by two doctors and numerous other EMTs and paramedics who had arrived at the scene,” he said.

“This heinous attack…was done deliberately on the holiday of Passover when many tourists, Jews, and Christians alike, visit the capital of Israel. We are saddened by the continued violence aimed at creating ill will between peoples in the holy city,” Eli Beer, United Hatzalah president and founder, stated.

The Shin Bet, Israel’s Security Agency, had warned that Palestinian terrorists would escalate attacks against civilians during the holiday season.

By: World Israel News Staff

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