Netanyahu: ‘It’s happening just as we warned, the Joint Arab List wants Gantz’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Flash90/Marc Israel Sellem)

Netanyahu said his predictions were coming true and that Blue and White would establish a government with anti-Zionist Arab parties.

By World Israel News Staff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the Arab Joint List’s recent endorsement of his rival Benny Gantz while meeting with right-wing party heads on Sunday as part of his ongoing efforts to strengthen his coalition.

“It’s happening exactly as we warned. The Joint Arab List recommends Benny Gantz as prime minister,” Netanyahu said, according to Israel Hayom.

He said there are only two options. First, “that a minority government will be established that rests on those who reject Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, and glorify terrorists that kill our soldiers and our citizens.”

Netanyahu was referring to the fact that the Joint List is comprised of Arab parties that want to erase the Jewish nature of the state. Joint List members also have made controversial statements.

Last year, Joint List Chairman Ayman Odeh said, “The occupation will be destroyed and all of Jerusalem will remain the capital of Palestine for the Palestinian nation.”

Netanyahu said the second option is “that a broad national government will be established. I know that’s the answer and also know that you know, and therefore I’ll work as hard as a I can to establish a broad national unity government. There’s no other answer.”

The head of the Likud party’s negotiating committee, Yariv Levin, called on Gantz to reveal any secret agreements he reached with the Joint List to obtain their endorsement.

Levin said it was “shameful” that Gantz’s party would rely on the Joint List to establish a government.

“Israel’s security policies can’t be established by Ayman Odeh and Ahmad Tibi, who are supporters of terror,” he said.

In a Sunday meeting with President Reuven Rivlin, who is tasked with selecting which of the candidates – Netanyahu or Gantz – will have the chance to form a government, Levin said, “We reject the possibility that a government of Israel will sit with people who support terror groups and abuse and curse IDF soldiers.”

“It’s impossible to base an Israeli government on votes of those who help and support our enemies,” he said, according to Israel Hayom.

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