Palestinians fire at IDF on Gaza border

The border with Gaza. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Israel has vowed to respond to even “minor” incidents on the Gaza border in order to demonstrate that it is serious about protecting its citizens, and retaliated against a Hamas lookout post after an IDF unit came under fire.

Palestinian terrorists shot at an IDF unit which was on a routine patrol near the security fence on the border with Gaza Saturday night.

No one was wounded in the attack.

The IDF responded by firing tank shells at a Hamas lookout position.

A similar incident occurred on Wednesday. The IDF said that it was an incident of stray fire.

In related news, IDF forces arrested three Palestinians wanted in connection with terrorism in counter-terrorism operations throughout Judea and Samaria.

These incidents were the latest in a long series of Palestinian terror attacks, which have plagued Israelis over the course of almost a year, claiming the lives of 39 victims and wounding over 500.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

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