Trump wants Biden ‘to do well,’ but thinks he’s ruining America

Trump BidenTrump Biden

Donald Trump and Joe Biden during the first presidential election debate, Sept. 29, 2020, (AP/Patrick Semansky)

“I’m ashamed of what’s going on, and so are Americans,” Trump said about the current state of the U.S., one year after Biden took office.

By World Israel News Staff

Former president Donald Trump spoke out about current president Joe Biden in an interview with Fox News on Thursday, as the latter marked one year in office and record low approval rates from the public.

Trump said that he wanted his former rival to succeed for the good of the nation.

“It is a very sad time for our country. I want him to forget politics, I want him to do well. He’s got to do well.”

“Our country is in trouble… I don’t think we’ve ever had anything like it in this country,” Trump said.

“I don’t think we’ve ever been in this position… I feel ashamed at what’s happened in the last year with our country. I’m ashamed of what’s going on, and so are Americans,” he continued.

He cited Biden’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan as an example of a very public American failure which damaged the country’s reputation and global image.

“When you look at that horrible situation in Afghanistan, the way they got out, getting out was good but the way they got out, we could have gotten that with strength and with dignity and kept Bagram [Air Base].”

A weak border, which has seen hundreds of thousands attempting to illegally enter the U.S via Mexico, is another huge problem that Biden has created, Trump charged.

“We would have had the wall completed in three weeks which was largely completed, we did almost 500 miles of wall and the southern border,” he said.

“It was really working, it really had an impact, and we were working along with Mexico and Guatemala, Honduras. We were in El Salvador; all of these countries.”

Notably, Trump attributed deteriorating border security to intentional decisions being made by Biden’s advisors, rather than negligence.

“So we had the most secure border we’ve ever had… And then it’s all gone in one instant. At first, I thought it was gross incompetence, but now it’s incompetent policy. They really want to have an open border,” he said.

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