Trump’s negotiator meets with Arab League Summit leaders

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (r) and Jason Greenblatt in Ramallah. (Flash90)

At the Arab League summit, Greenblatt conveyed Trump’s optimism that an Israel-Palestinian peace will “reverberate positively throughout the region and the world.”

US President Donald Trump’s Special Representative for International Negotiations, Jason Greenblatt, conveyed Trump’s wishes to achieve a lasting peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians, while attending the Arab League’s 2017 summit in Amman, Jordan.

“(Greenblatt) reaffirmed President Trump’s personal interest in achieving a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians and his belief that such a peace agreement is not only possible, but would reverberate positively throughout the region and the world,” said a statement from the US embassy in Jordan.

The embassy noted that Greenblatt, who attended the summit as an observer after receiving an invitation from Jordan’s King Abdullah II, met one-on-one with many different Arab leaders on behalf of the Trump administration in an attempt to advance a workable peace process.

“Mr. Greenblatt focused on how tangible progress could be made toward advancing Middle East peace, including a comprehensive agreement between Israelis and Palestinians,” the embassy noted regarding his discussions with Arab leaders.

“Mr. Greenblatt welcomed hearing the perspectives of Arab leaders on Israeli-Palestinian issues and highlighted the important role regional partners can play in the pursuit of peace,” the embassy added. “Mr. Greenblatt also urged against unhelpful public rhetoric, which only serves to make the path to peace harder.”

The US official reiterated “that he was not in the region to impose ideas or peace plans on others” and that “peace between Israel and the Palestinians can only be negotiated directly between the two parties.”

Greenblatt visited Israel a couple of weeks ago, where he met with both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. The trip was primarily focused on hearing the perspectives of both Israeli and Palestinian officials.

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News

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