Trump’s diplomatic advisor, Orthodox Jewish attorney Jason Greenblatt, in Israel to discuss peace prospects

Trump’s diplomatic advisor Jason Greenblatt, an Orthodox Jewish attorney who served as the Trump Organization’s chief legal officer, arrived in Israel to revive interest in Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.

President Donald Trump’s diplomatic advisor Jason Greenblatt, an Orthodox Jew who formerly served as Trump’s chief legal officer, arrived in Israel Monday to revive direct peace talks between the Netanyahu government and the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Greenblatt is scheduled to meet with both Prime Minister Netanyahu and Chairman Abbas, but is not expected to offer a new American initiative at this point.

Greenblatt, named special representative for international negotiations, was scheduled to meet with President Reuven Rivlin on Monday, followed by discussions with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer. On Tuesday, the US dignitary will meet with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and senior officials, and on Thursday, with Knesset Opposition leader Isaac Herzog.

Greenblatt is traveling with Yael Lempert, an Obama Administration official who stayed on under Trump. Lampert was the architect of the 10-year, $38 billion military aid package to Israel.

Trump spoke by phone with Abbas on Friday and invited him to the White House. The US president told Abbas he believes that the time has come to negotiate an agreement with Israel, which, he said, would also bring positive changes in the Middle East and the world.

