Anti-Israel ‘masked intruders’ harass US university administrators at home

A masked anti-Israel protester on the doorstep of a university official (X/University of Michigan)

Masked demonstrators targeting university officials at home are a “dangerous escalation,” says school.

By World Israel News Staff

Anti-Israel demonstrators donning scarves to hide their identities harassed members of the University of Michigan‘s Board of Regents at home in the early hours of Wednesday morning, demanding that they implement BDS policies and other pro-Palestinian policies on campus.

“Around 4:40 A.M., a masked intruder came to the door of my family’s home with a list of demands, including defunding the police,” wrote Jordan Acker, an attorney and a Regent at the University of Michigan, on his X account. He noted that at the time, his three daughters “were asleep in their beds, and thankfully unaware of what transpired.”

“This form of protest is not peaceful. Public officials should not be subject to this sort of intimidating conduct, and this behavior is unacceptable from any Michigan community member,” he continued.

“I will not be intimidated. In the wake of the 2020 election, public officials here in Michigan were subjected to threats from mobs of election deniers who engaged in similar conduct.”

Sarah Hubbard, another Regent, said that some thirty anti-Israel protesters had descended upon her neighborhood and placed fake bloodied corpses on her front lawn.

They posted a list of demands on her door, while chanting, using bullhorns, and drumming.

“Protesting at a public official’s private residence is unacceptable and will not move their cause forward in a satisfactory manner,” said Hubbard in a media statement.

The University of Michigan said in its own statement that “the tactics used…represent a significant and dangerous escalation in the protests that have been occurring on campus.”

The school added that “going to an individual’s private residence is intimidating behavior and, in this instance, illegal trespassing,” said University Public Affairs. “This kind of conduct is not protected speech; it’s dangerous and unacceptable.”

The TAHRIR coalition, a pro-Palestinian student group, said it had engaged in the action along with Jewish Voice for Peace to park the 76th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Israel, which Arabs refer to as the “Nakba,” or catastrophe.

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