Bereaved mother slams fundraising campaign for Arab village where terrorists murdered her sons

Esti Yaniv, mother of brothers Hallel, 21, and Yagel Yaniv, 19, speaks to the press (FLASH90)

Bereaved mother of terror victims slams Labor Party activist for fundraising campaign to help residents of Huwara, where her sons were shot and killed.

By World Israel News Staff

The bereaved mother of two young men murdered in a terror attack in Samaria earlier this week slammed a fundraising campaign organized by a left-wing Israeli activist on behalf of the Arab residents of the village where the deadly attack that claimed her sons’ lives took place.

Esti Yaniv, who lost her sons Hillel, 21, and Yagel, 19, in the terrorist shooting attack in Huwara Sunday afternoon, spoke to Arutz Sheva Thursday after learning of the campaign by Labor Party activist and Darkenu founder Yaya Fink to raise money for the residents of Huwara.

Israeli Jews rioted in Huwara hours after the attack Sunday, torching over 100 cars at a scrapyard, and dozens of buildings.

Since then, the campaign organized by Fink raised over one million shekels ($274,258) in compensation.

Mrs. Yaniv excoriated the campaign, saying she was “horrified” to hear of the donations, noting the celebrations in Huwara after her sons were murdered.

“Every day, I look down at the murderous village of Huwara where the murderer of my sons is still walking free, where they handed out pastries and celebrated after the murder,” Yaniv told Arutz Sheva.

“I was horrified to hear of this dreadful campaign, [launched] a day after many of the residents of Huwara celebrated after the murder of my sons. We, the Jewish People must not become confused; we must remain clear in our minds.”

“We are a people that desires life, and they are a people that desires death. Against this dreadful campaign of darkness, we are launching a campaign that will add light to the world, one that will contribute goodness and kind deeds to one another.

“A campaign that will strengthen the settlement enterprise and will increase Torah learning; a campaign that will encourage and embrace our soldiers. We appeal to the entire Jewish people: Join us and help us to bring more light and goodness into the world, in memory of my pure and holy sons.”

The day after the murder of the Yaniv brothers, several videos emerged of Palestinian residents of the village and nearby Nablus (Shechem) celebrating the attack.

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