Fear and loathing on the Left

Election 2020-America's CitiesElection 2020-America's Cities

A protester carries a U.S. flag upside down next to a burning building, May 28, 2020, in Minneapolis. (AP/Julio Cortez)

Leftists are indoctrinated in outrage, radicalized into rage, and ricochet from outrage to outrage.

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine

Win or lose, fans of the Philly Eagles go out into the street and smash things. Whoever wins on Election Day, leftists will smash things.

The election only determines whether they smash up the country from the inside or the outside. Forget all the theory and all the empty policy promises.

It’s not about equity, democracy, free college, funding terrorists, defunding the police, breaking the glass ceiling, or any of the other suits the naked emperors and empresses wear.

When the champagne corks and pills have been popped, the desire underneath is to destroy it all.

Mediocre elites created leftism by sublimating their narcissistic drive to destroy everything superior to them into the revolutionary politics of a purported underclass.

But the elites are the oppressed underclass they’ve been waiting for. They fight for their own right to seize power. And they don’t stop fighting once they get it.

Stop by a leftist rally and you’ll rarely find anyone who ever worked for a living or intends to.

The Biden-Harris admin was hobbled by the sheer inability of anyone involved in it to understand kitchen table economics as anything other than a longread thinkpiece about shrinkflation.

Leftists care as much about the working class as you do about the plight of the Tibetans. Probably less.

Workers, women, coal miners, the unemployed on bread lines, Gazans, gays, lesbians, transgenders and every letter in the endless LGBTQ alphabet have never been anything other than excuses for smashing things.

They’re the wife, girlfriend, uncle or nephew that our hero loses in the first act to justify his bloody rampages in the next two acts.

American leftists are still Americans. And they need to believe they’re the good guys. Unlike Bolsheviks, Maoists and ISIS, they need a bigger buildup to their hero’s journey.

They need JFK and MLK to take a bullet, they need Vietnam, Kent State, AIDS, Reaganomics, impeachment, hanging chads and the Iraq War to tell a story to themselves about why they turned to violence.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump and capitalism killed their idealism in the first act. Now they have permission to plant bombs at dances for service members, rob Brink’s trucks, and riot and burn.

But they’re not doing it for themselves, oh no, but for all the oppressed workers and peasants, kids laboring in factories, soldiers on the front lines and trans kids who need puberty blockers.

“It’s just this war and that lying son of a bitch, Johnson!” is a short history of leftist activism.

Working backwards, they claim that Muslim terrorists kill kids because they’ve been so wronged.

It’s an alibi that tells us more about leftists than about whatever politically aligned horror show they’re trying to excuse this week.

No matter what comic books and Mother Jones will tell you, oppression doesn’t make good people turn evil. Evil people blame their crimes on oppression.

The Nazis believed they were oppressed. The Communists believed they were oppressed. ISIS Jihadists raping children and beheading non-Muslims believed they were the real victims.

Scratch a member of the professionally oppressed and you find a monster working on the backstory for the crimes he intends to commit as soon as he finds a gun or a movement.

Amateur victims become school shooters, filling their diaries with tales of being bullied so they can build up the verve to shoot a bunch of little kids cowering in front of their blue lockers.

Professional victims become activists and community organizers so they can do the same thing. They just have a longer wait time which they fill with self-care and race riots before the killing.

Leftist politics is a permission structure for evil. Its activism on the outside and its policies on the inside are designed to destroy everything under the guise of saving it.

Tepid leftism ushers in decline, outsourcing the actual destruction to the hordes of invading enemy migrants, while committed leftism leads to gulags, mass famines and Asian museums filled with skulls.

Destruction is the conscious theme of the truly committed leftist and the subconscious impulse of the tepid leftist.

Any leftist not driven by a conscious or subconscious urge to destroy will sooner or later fall out of the movement.

Those who go on reciting the mantras are either cowards or terrorists. And the cowards are those who want someone else to do the killing.

Working from outside the system, leftists lie, subvert, incite, riot, burn and bomb. Working from the inside, they build massive political machines whose purpose is to wreck everything.

The carnage is not ‘creative destruction” and it’s not an unintended consequence of a noble idealistic dream of a better country and an equal society, but the entire point of the whole project.

The Left does not have a plan for a better world, but for destroying the world. Its theories are sucker bait, its issues are recruitment fodder for fifth columns and their implementation serves no purpose except to seize money and power while ruining everything and fueling outrage.

Outrage, more nakedly rage, is the dark beating heart of the beast. Everything else is ad copy. Rage is the morals, ethics, ideology, father and mother of the movement.

Rage is the currency which it trades in for more rage. “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention”, its bumper stickers scream, and once you start paying attention, the rage never ends.

Leftists are indoctrinated in outrage, radicalized into rage and ricochet from outrage to outrage to rage against.

No matter how old and bourgeois they get, rage keeps them feeling like young rebels, and they hunt and peck between New York Times, Washington Post and Rolling Stone screeds revealing the exciting new outrage that requires innovative new abuses of power.

Robbed of rage, leftists are reduced to a planetary HR department given free reign to ban everything and fail ever upward even as their fiefdoms descend into extremes of misery.

In triumph, the mediocre elites expose their mediocrity for all to see. That’s why they can’t stop the rage for even one moment lest everyone see that underneath the virtue signaling uniforms and jackboots is a Biden or Brezhnev incapable of running anything including their bodily functions.

And that is the reckoning that the mediocre elites have been running away from all their lives.

Leftists must destroy because they cannot create. Inside their heads is a little lurking voice telling them how worthless they are every second of the day.

Imagine if Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro or AOC had been forced to get actual jobs outside political leftism?

What do objectively worthless narcissists convinced of their own genius do with their lives?

They become commandantes, chairmen, congressmen and other things beginning with ‘C’.

Being a revolutionary, an activist or a professional troublemaker requires a very different set of skills than actually working for a living and is a perfect fit for egomaniacs furious at every perceived slight with a knack for getting other people to die for their delusions of grandeur.

Add on a slick patina of ‘theory’ of fantasy economics and academic conspiracy theories and you have the movement that has spent the past two centuries trying to destroy the world.

Whatever happens on this Election Day or in any election, the Left is waiting to destroy it all.

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