Left-wing activist calls to ‘exterminate’ religious Knesset member for being ‘enemy of the state’

Religious Zionist Party MK Tzvi Sukkot marches through Huwara after shooting attacks, March 26, 2023. (Courtesy)

Longtime left-wing activist uses violent language urging “extermination” of Religious Zionist Party MK in Facebook post; claims lawmaker is an “enemy of the state.”

By Adina Katz, World Israel News

One of the founders of the dovish Peace Now group, which advocates for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Arab conflict, recently called for a right-wing MK to be “exterminated,” calling the lawmaker an “enemy of the state.”

Professor Amiram Goldblum, a longtime left-wing activist and lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, attacked MK Zvi Sukkot of the Religious Zionist Party in a scathing post on his Facebook page.

“Zvi Sukkot is one of the enemies of the state that needs to be exterminated. He is not our brother; he is a Kahanist scoundrel and a supporter of the party of genocide for the Palestinians,” Goldblum wrote.

“He is proof that there is no difference between the criminals and terrorists from Otzma Yehudit and the Religious Zionist Party…they’re both wild breeding pits for hilltop youth,” the professor continued, charging that the factions promote “acts of violence and abomination.”

“I am with the Palestinians against this villain and hope there is a way to exterminate him and his ilk.”

In a media statement, Sukkot responded to the calls for his extermination, emphasizing that while citizens have the right to speak out against lawmakers, Goldblum’s comments crossed the line into encouraging violence.

“It’s permitted to criticize, but it’s forbidden to engage in incitement,” Sukkot said.

“The recent incitement on social media crosses this line. It begins with the protest leaders’ calls for citizens to participate in civil unrest, and continues until the call to harm MKs. Of course, Goldbum’s post has nothing to do with reality.

“I call on [lawmakers] from the entire political spectrum – stop the incitement now. We can argue, we can debate, but you can’t incite [violence.]”

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