Soldier wounded in Sunday terror attack improving

Alexander Dubrovsky (Courtesy)

IDF soldier Alexander Dubrovsky, the third victim in the terror attack carried out Sunday in Samaria, is improving.

By World Israel News Staff

An IDF soldier seriously wounded in a terrorist attack in Samaria on Sunday has regained consciousness and has started to communicate, according to a report in Walla! News.

Nineteen-year-old Alexander Dubrovsky’s brother is quoted by the news site as saying that the wounded soldier “recognized us and even tried to speak to us even though it’s still hard for him.”

The brother said that those at the soldier’s bedside have still not talked to him about the attack. “We want him to recover and get stronger,” he said, adding however that the soldier “definitely understands the situation in which he now finds himself.”

Dubrovsky underwent another operation and on Monday, was taken off a respirator, is now classified by the hospital as in moderate to serious condition. His wounds are no longer said to be posing an immediate threat to his life.

According to the Ynet news site, Dubrovsky immigrated to Israel from Moldova and was described by Eyal Betzer, the head of the Jezreel Valley Regional Council, where he first arrived as “A Zionist soldier who immigrated to Israel alone… and whose family immigrated shortly after, a young boy who fulfilled his mission by enlisting in an IDF combat unit.”

Staff St. Gal Keidan and Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger were killed in the attack.

The search is still underway for the attacker, identified as Omar Abu Laila.

On Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “We know the identity of the assailant” and “are in close pursuit. We know where he lives and have located his family.”

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