Jews saving Muslims is the reality of Israel – Emirati analyst

Farhan Al-Qadi is embraced by a relative at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba (Screenshot/X)

Emirati analyst says picture of observant Jew treating rescued Muslim hostage evidence that Israel is not an apartheid state.

By World Israel News Staff

A photo of a rescued Bedouin hostage being treated by a religiously observant Jewish doctor was posted by a prominent Emirati analyst, who pointed to the image as evidence that Israel is a beacon of coexistence in the region.

The image, released by Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba, depicts hostage Farhan Al-Qadi, a Bedouin citizen of Israel, who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from southern Israel on October 7th.

In the photograph, a doctor wearing a kippah (Jewish head covering) is seen at Al-Qadi’s bedside, as the hostage’s relative – who is dressed in traditional Muslim garb – joyously grasps his hand.

Al-Qadi was extracted from a subterranean tunnel in southern Gaza by IDF soldiers on Tuesday, after more than 10 months in captivity.

“First, in the Middle East, this is a moment for all to celebrate,” Amjad Taha wrote on social media platform X, sharing the photo with his 500,000 followers. “Congratulations to Israel and to humanity.”

“Second, this picture powerfully illustrates the reality: the so-called ‘apartheid’ Jewish state, where a Jewish doctor is treating a Muslim Arab who was held hostage by Hamas-ISIS Islamist terrorists in Gaza,” he added.

Taha noted that Israel had risked the lives of its soldiers in order to save a Muslim citizen, challenging the narrative that the state only values Jewish lives.

“Israel, this ‘apartheid’ state, dispatched 18 Jewish soldiers to rescue the Muslim Arab Bedouin and reunite him with his [eleven] children,” he continued.

Taha then slammed anti-Israel protest movements in the West, calling on participants to reevaluate their stance on the conflict.

“If you live in New York, Paris, or London, you might be confused because your media won’t show you this reality of the Middle East. Instead, go protest against McDonald’s burgers and Starbucks chai lattes.”

In a statement to Hebrew-language media, Al-Qadi thanked the State of Israel and IDF soldiers for rescuing him.

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