Congress must expose the senility coup – opinion

Any cabinet members, staffers, advisers, or family members drawing up proposals or bringing documents to Joe Biden to sign are taking part in a coup against the American people.

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine

At some point in the last four years, the president ceased to be. We do not yet know the date at which the man holding the office became incompetent to carry out his duties.

What we do know is that his entire administration engaged in a concerted conspiracy to cover up his incapacity.

This conspiracy was not just one of the many lies told for political purposes: it was a coup.

As America’s political class grows sicker, we have witnessed the spectacle of members of Congress who are institutionalized or so decrepit that they no longer know where they are, ‘sponsoring legislation’ and ‘casting votes’. These are not just deceptions: they are crimes.

The United States has a representative government of elected officials who are the only ones entitled to wield their powers.

Voters do not elect staffers and staffers are not empowered to wield legislative power only to provide advice and assistance to qualified elected officials.

Staffers who not only cover up the mental decline of an elected official, but who act in his or her name, are seizing power from the people and acting on their own behalf. This is a coup.

While staffers acting in place of mentally incapacitated members of the House or Senate is serious, the senility coup that took place during the Biden administration is far worse.

Presidential powers are far more expansive than those of any legislator and even long after Biden was displaced as his party’s candidate on the grounds of mental incapacity, and even well after the election was lost, his staffers are engaged in large-scale efforts to transform America.

Read  On last day in office, Biden takes credit for Israeli military victories, hostage deal

Actions are being taken in Biden’s name to set precedents and tie the hands of the incoming legally elected administration.

The perpetrators of the senility coup are trying to stage their own coup against the outcome of the 2024 election by seizing power in every possible arena from foreign affairs to domestic economics to the criminal justice system.

They have signed off on Turkey’s conquest of Syria, pardoned every criminal they could and created special privileges for their union supporters in the federal workforce meant to block any future reforms.

And that is only the beginning.

But whatever they do, the most vital point is that they have no legal right to do it.

We do not know who is actually making the decisions in the White House, but what we do know is that the one and only man legally entitled to do so is not capable of carrying out the duties of his office.

Any cabinet members, staffers, advisers or family members drawing up proposals or bringing documents to Joe Biden to sign are taking part in a coup against the American people.

This is no small matter.

After years of being lied to, the American people deserve the truth and a government they can trust.

That can only happen if Congress conducts hearings into Biden’s mental capacity, subpoenaing documents, and compelling medical personnel and advisers to testify under oath about Biden’s mental capacity in everyday affairs so that a date can be set for his incapacity.

Read  WATCH: Biden mixes up Hamas and Hezbollah when talking about Oct. 7 massacre

Once that date is set, legal action must be used to retroactively invalidate all of Biden’s actions taken after that date including a post-election spree to sabotage the Trump administration.

Presidential powers, including pardon powers, are vast, but an incapacitated president has no powers. None of his actions, in whatever form they are taken, have any legal standing. His executive orders, his pardons, and his signatures are worthless.

And none of the actions taken by his administration on a thousand fronts have any legal standing because their executive authority is a function of the chief executive. All of it then would have to be unwound.

The impact of this would be tremendous but absolutely necessary to protect the legal integrity of the federal government. It would also send a message that the senility coups are at an end.

Everyone who was aware of Biden’s mental incapacity but continued to act in his name, must face charges for taking part in a coup.

The Biden administration has claimed that its opponents represented a “threat to democracy” when its personnel not only threatened democracy, but actively seized power from the people by maintaining their own Weekend at Bernie’s regime.

Under the 25th Amendment, Vice President Kamala Harris and cabinet members were required to notify Congress once they realized that President Biden was incapacitated. They did not do so.

Had they, Kamala would have been legally able to take office and assume his responsibilities. Their failure to do so created a secret constitutional crisis that escalated into a coup.

It is now the duty of Congress to unwind the constitutional crisis by forcing the parties to it to testify or face imprisonment, and to distinguish the legitimate from illegitimate actions.

Read  Biden commutes 2,500 sentences, shattering single-day record days before leaving office

In the absence of a clarified time of mental incapacity, all of the actions undertaken by the Biden administration are potentially illegitimate and have no legal standing.

It is therefore in the interests of the administration’s personnel to clarify a date of mental incapacity otherwise the argument may be made that the entire administration had the character of a prolonged coup.

What is at stake here is more than just the question of one party’s victory over another.

Representative government was the basis for the American Revolution and for the Constitution. It’s what distinguishes our republic from a tyranny.

If America is to be governed by unelected officials acting in the name of a mentally incapable ruler, what distinguishes America in 2024 from England in 1776?

Americans today are already ruled by an administrative state of bureaucrats to a degree that the Founding Fathers could never have been able to imagine.

The senility coup is the final phase of an administrative coup in which the powers of elected officials disappear into the maw of a self-sustaining bureaucracy that rules over the people using puppets.

Over the last four years, the president literally became a puppet of the state. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Congress can take back the power wrongly seized from the American people by investigating and exposing the senility coup, and restoring the rule of lawful elected government. The American people deserve the truth and they deserve to be able to govern themselves.
