Haley praises Trump’s ‘extraordinary gains’ but was ‘badly wrong’ after election, will be ‘judged harshly’

Former UN ambassador chastises Trump’s behavior, but says the president also deserves credit for his achievements.

By Paul Shindman, World Israel News

Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said President Donald Trump’s behavior since the November election has been “deeply disappointing,” but also said the president and Republican legislators deserved credit for the many achievements during his term in office, Fox News reported Friday.

“President Trump has not always chosen the right words. He was wrong with his words in Charlottesville, and I told him so at the time,” Haley said Thursday at a Republican National Committee dinner in Florida. “He was badly wrong with his words yesterday. And it wasn’t just his words. His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history.”

“It’s deeply disappointing. And it’s a real shame, because I am one who believes our country made some truly extraordinary gains in the last four years. President Trump and Republicans deserve great credit for that,” Haley said, adding “we should not shy away from our accomplishments.”

Haley has cited Trump’s judicial appointments and his economic and energy policies, as well as his administration’s pushback against Iran, China and ISIS, along with his role in securing peace deals between the Arab world and Israel.

Haley called the storming of the Capitol Building on Wednesday “a sad day for America,” saying “such violence is unacceptable and un-American.”

“If we are the party of personal responsibility, we need to take personal responsibility,” Haley said. “We can and should talk about our major differences. But we must stop turning the American people against each other – and this Republican Party must lead the way.”

The popular right-wing politician served for six years as governor of South Carolina before accepted Trump’s request to become UN ambassador. She resigned her position in 2018 without giving any reason and re-entered private life, but has maintained a public presence campaigning for Republican candidates last year and promoting her non-profit advocacy group Stand for America, that says it promotes “public policies that strengthen America’s economy, culture, and national security.”

Haley is widely speculated to be contemplating a run for the presidency and is using her time to position herself for bid for the White House in 2024.
