Arabs hack Israeli sites

Several official Israeli sites were hacked by Arabs, apparently in solidarity with the citizens of Gaza. 

By: World Israel News Staff

Arabs hacked several official Israeli sites on Tuesday, with the sites’ content replaced by a photo of Palestinians rioting on the Gaza border and a caption saying, “Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine.” The voice of a Muezzin played in the background.

The targeted sites included those of several local municipalities, Israel’s teachers’ union and the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera, near Haifa.

“The 3Falcon was here,” the hackers wrote.

Israeli security agencies and cyber defense units are on high alert in anticipation of cyber attacks this weekend, although no meaningful damage is expected.

“Anonymous” hackers gather for a demonstration each year on April 7 in support of the “Palestinian cause.” The attacks have succeeded in the past in blocking government and other sites, including the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs, but all in all have caused little damage.

The Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) maintains that Israel is prepared for “all forms of aggression. Israel is well-protected.”

The April cyber attacks were first launched in 2013; that year, they coincided with the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel.

Israel has an advanced cyber-security apparatus and fends off thousands of cyber attacks on a daily basis.

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