Anti-Semitism penetrates the African landscape

The history of the Jewish people and that of many African countries is more similar than different, with some striking parallels.

By Rolene Marks

In the fledgling days before the founding of the modern State of Israel, Jews fought to end the British mandate that effectively colonized their ancient land.

It was with philosophy that both the founder of modern Zionism, Theodore Herzl, and Israel’s first Prime Minister, Golda Meir, recognized that the Jewish state was the natural partner to help beleaguered African countries.

They recognized the shared desires of the African people as well as the Jews to live free in their homelands and respected the national liberation movements of the time, sensing a mutual desire to that of their own Zionist ideals. Zionism after all, is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people.

But today, much like in many other parts of the world, anti-Semitism is rearing its ugly head on the continent – a continent that has suffered more than its own share of discrimination and persecution.

From the north to the south

Many would be surprised to find out that there once were thriving Jewish communities in many countries across the continent, and while communities are sparse in sub-Saharan Africa, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Egypt, they once flourished.

The Lemba of Southern Africa, the Igbo of Nigeria, Ethiopan Jews, the Abuyudaya of Uganda and the Sephardi and Ashkenazi of Europe, many of whom settled in Africa to escape persecution. And who can forget the Mizrahi Jews of Arab countries, who were forced to flee Islamic rulers?

Due to rising anti-Semitism and poverty, these communities barely exist anymore. Outside of South Africa, which has the largest community on the continent, there were Jews in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda, Zaire (the Democratic Republic of Congo) and Zimbabwe. While many left for Israel, others left for Europe or elsewhere.

The continent’s massive poverty rates and political turmoil in the late 20th century led to some African national leaders blaming Jews for the problems of their countries, which they claimed “are operated by a conspiracy against the African race.” Anti-Semitism in Africa includes false rumors and allegations that the AIDS pandemic was bioengineered by either the U.S., the United Nations or “the Jews,” in a plot to exterminate millions of black Africans, and that the disease is a part of the “Jewish” or “white Europeans’ maneuvers against Africa” or a continuous practice of “racial genocide.”

African nations are prone to accept unreliable anti-Semitic reports and revisionist history that the slavery of black Africans in the new world was because of “Jewish merchants working for European colonial masters.” According to social scientists, these theories are appealing to some impoverished and downtrodden people without enough education to know the “Jewish conspiracy” myth is false and unprovable.

The South African story

In post-Apartheid South Africa, the Jewish community has not been spared. This is particularly troubling considering that the contribution made by the Jewish community during the Apartheid years was significant in the fight to end the racist regime. One famous example was that out of the 13 Rivonia trialists, 5 were Jewish.

Who can forget the inimitable Helen Suzman, the lone voice of opposition in parliament to the Apartheid government? Jewish and a woman to boot! Some of the greatest names to enter the pantheon of anti-Apartheid activists, be it through political, cultural, religious or civil action, include Johnny Clegg, Rabbi Isaacson, Joe Slovo, Arthur Chaskalson, Nadine Gordimer, Gill Marcus and Albie Sachs, to name but a few.

Read  ‘Antisemitic and unlawful’: 24 attorneys general warn Brown University not to adopt BDS movement

The founding fathers of the Rainbow Nation – Mandela, Sisulu and Thambo – were intimately involved with Jews, having worked alongside many throughout their legal careers. Mandela famously visited Israel with “his” Rabbi Cyril Harris and met with then Prime- Minister Shimon Peres. Mandela famously refers to Menachem Begin and the Irgun as the basis on which he hoped to model the armed wing of the ANC, Umkhonto we Sizwe. In his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, he says:

“I read The Revolt by Menachem Begin and was encouraged by the fact that the Israeli leader had led a guerrilla force in a country with neither mountains nor forests, a situation similar to our own.”

I think that these great stalwarts of human rights would be greatly hurt to witness the appalling invective levelled against South Africa’s Jewish community.

Good Jew, bad Jew

Manifesting more as anti-Zionism than traditional anti-Semitism (although the two cannot be separated), the clarion call seems to be “Jews are welcome, Zionists are not.” Or are they? Over the past few years, anti-Semitism is manifesting on the southern tip of the continent much like it is all over the world. Social media platforms have become new battlefields while threats of violence and subsequent incidents have increased.

There seems to be a division between who is termed a “good” or a “bad” Jew. Good Jews apparently are not Zionist and identify as Jewish by “cultural ties,” not those awful traditional, Israel-loving kind.

There have been atrocious incidents of anti-Semitism – ranging from the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement and their cries of “shoot the Jew” at a conference hosted by the South African Zionist Federation to the appalling tweets from populist Black Land First leader Andile Mngxitama – and a host of incidents and issues in between.

Many look to Europe or the U.S. as the barometer on how anti-Semitism manifests itself, but if we ignore the South African model, we do so at our peril. It would appear that when BDS and their supporters in South Africa sneeze, their global network catches a cold. This is not to say that anti-Semitism in South Africa is restricted to BDS and the far left,  but the far right, perhaps emboldened by the alarming rise of their counterparts in the U.S., are rearing their ugly, neo-Nazi heads as well.

The consequences of rising anti-Semitism in South Africa are worrying. This could mean the marginalizing of a minority group that has played a vital role not just in the fight against the injustice of the past, but in continuing to punch far above its size to help build a new country. It would also result in many of South Africa’s Jews leaving for safer pastures – and along with them, investment and employment opportunities for many of the country’s impoverished.

South Africans fought against Apartheid, and many paid a painful price. After the struggles of the country’s dark past, do we really want to see this vicious cycle of discrimination and racism rise again?

This feature was first published in Lay of the Land.
