Likud MK: PA 100% to blame for failure of Oslo Accords July 29, 2019MK Avi Dichter says the PA is responsible for the Oslo Accords' failure. (Flash90/Hadas Parush)(Flash90/Hadas Parush)Likud MK: PA 100% to blame for failure of Oslo Accords Tweet WhatsApp Email Email Print Likud MK and former Shabak Director Avi Dichter was the featured speaker at a Tel Aviv conference on Sunday evening.By World Israel News Staff“The Palestinian Authority is 100% to blame for the failure of the Oslo Accords,” said Avi Dichter, Likud MK and former director of Shabak, Israel’s internal security agency, to an audience in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening.He made his remarks at a conference organized by the pro-Zionist nonprofit Im Tirtzu (“If You Will It”) in collaboration with Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights on the topic of Israel’s legal rights.Dichter said it was obvious what PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat’s intentions were right from the start. Dichter noted that early on Arafat visited Egypt and returned with four mass murderers hidden in his car.Dichter, who was responsible for the area that included the border crossing through which Arafat returned, said he wasn’t permitted to search the vehicles but it was obvious something was up as “Arafat was six inches taller than when he left.”It turned out later that the terror chieftain was literally sitting on one of the murderers who was lying on his car seat.Dichter said the Palestinian Authority never fought terror and that some of the organizations it established to fight terror became terror groups themselves. He also noted that it is PA law that terrorists are entitled to salaries. They receive 12,000 shekels a month. If the terrorist is an Israeli citizen, he receives an additional 500 shekels a month.The former Shabak chief also touched on Israel’s legal rights, the religious nature of Arab hostility toward Israel. He gave in-depth discussion of the efforts to pass the Nation-State Law, which he introduced in 2011. The law finally passed in July 2018.The Nation-State Law, which came under widespread attack by its critics as “racist,” defines Israel as a Jewish state. Dichter noted that during a final committee discussion, in which Arab Knesset members attempted to torpedo the legislation, one of them shouted at the end, “We want a state of all its citizens.”Dichter said the comment was revealing and showed the importance of the Nation-State Law. It presents an obstacle to those who would like to dismantle Israel from within and turn it into a multicultural hodgepodge made up of many nations.Regarding the Left’s opposition to the law, Dichter said, “There are no greater hypocrites than the Israeli Left.”“The Nation-State Law cements in law the Jewish People’s national rights, but does not infringe on anyone else’s civil rights,” he said.The conference was dedicated in memory of Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger who was murdered this past March in a terror attack. He had courageously turned back to face a terrorist and according to reports managed to get off four shots with his personal weapon before he was outgunned.His widow spoke to the conference, clearly still suffering from the blow of her loss. She spoke about his efforts to establish a yeshiva in South Tel Aviv, which has been overrun by African illegals who have turned the area into a drug and crime-infested neighborhood.Sheffi Paz, a social activist in South Tel Aviv, also spoke at the conference Paz said that the government has abandoned South Tel Aviv and is unwilling to tackle the problems caused by the influx of thousands of illegal migrants. “I’ve lost faith in all politicians,” she said.Goldi Steiner, founder and co-chair of Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights, said that learning about Israel’s rights is the key to combating false claims against Israel.“There is only one way to counter the ever-growing accusations of apartheid, occupation, and all the lies propagated by anti-Israel organizations like IfNotNow and B’Tselem, and that is through education.”Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu, noted that one cannot accurately evaluate the Arab-Israeli conflict without first understanding Israel’s legal rights.“When discussing the conflict, it is critical to first understand that the Jewish People have legal rights to the Land of Israel,” said Peleg.“This is precisely why we have teamed with Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights to educate students and the broader public about Israel’s legal rights,” added Peleg.The opening talk was given by popular Israeli journalist Amit Segal. He argued that Israel is divided into two camps: Israelis and Jews. With those who identify as Israelis tending to vote left and those as Jews voting right.In this election, Segal said there’s a fight over the Russian vote between Avigdor Liberman, leader of the Israel Beiteinu party and Likud leader and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.Liberman is appealing to the Russians as a “family,” asking them to question whether they really have anything in common with the haredim, or ultra-Orthodox.Netanyahu is appealing to them on the basis of “tribe,” telling the Russians that they belong to the tribe of the right-wing, which includes haredim, he says.We won’t know the verdict until after the elections, Segal says. Avi DichterIm TirtzuNation-State Law