
Syria US

WATCH: Syrian Kurds pelt US convoy with potatoes

Residents of a Kurdish-dominated Syrian city have pelted U.S. troops with potatoes as they drove through, apparently on their way out from Syria on Oct. 31, the Associated Press reported.
October 22, 2019
Tel Aviv Rally Kurds

WATCH: IDF veterans hold pro-Kurdish protest in Tel Aviv

Former IDF officers organized a pro-Kurdish rally in Tel Aviv on Tuesday afternoon. They called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi to send help to the Kurdish forces following Turkey's assault. 
October 16, 2019
lab-grown steak Alpha farms

WATCH: Israeli company grows meat in outer space

An Israeli food company, successfully grew meat on the International Space Station for the first time marking a major step forward to ensuring "food security for generations to come."
October 9, 2019
Israeli tank Golan Heights

WATCH: 46 years since Yom Kippur War, Israeli intelligence failure still rankles

Sunday marked 46 years since the start of Israel's 1973 Yom Kippur War that was launched and led by Egypt and Syria in a joint surprise attack against the Jewish state. IDF Brig. Gen.(Ret.) Yom Tov Tamir talks about his experiences during the war and what he think about Israel's intelligence failure to see the attack coming.
October 7, 2019
Qatar Athletics Worlds

WATCH: Israeli athletes compete in Qatar where they ‘could have died’

Ethiopian marathon legend Haile Gebrselassie said it was a mistake to hold the track and field world championships in Qatar and that marathon runners could have died from the heat. The three runners from the Israeli delegation did not make the cut largely due to the challenging weather conditions.
October 3, 2019