Those exploding pagers: How Mossad did it

The Mossad has made things hellishly difficult for Hassan Nasrallah’s technology department.

By Hugh Fitzgerald, Frontpage Magazine

The preparations for the Exploding Pagers, that have killed 12, and wounded 4000, more than 200 of them seriously, apparently took months.

More on how the Mossad did it can be found here:

“Cyber expert: Preparation for Hezbollah beeper explosions likely took months,” by Dr. Itay Gul, Jerusalem Post, September 17, 2024:

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The mysterious pager explosions on Tuesday that wounded more than 3,600 people in Lebanon, mostly Hezbollah terrorists, were the result of extensive planning, according to an Israeli cyber expert.

The operation involved embedding components within the beepers that could translate signals into ignition and detonation, he said.

“In the world of cyber, there’s a concept known as the supply chain,” said Oleg Brodt, director of research, development, and innovation at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s Cyber Labs.

“Many attacks occur by compromising the supply chain,” he told Maariv. “An electronic device, like a beeper, contains numerous components, and each one could be infected with malware. This malware could be designed to raise the device’s temperature, cause a malfunction, ignite it, or even trigger an explosion.”…

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So many different components, from how many different companies, did each of these pagers contain? At what point, and by whom, was that malware introduced?

It will be hellishly difficult for Hezbollah to figure out which component, or components, in all those pagers that now lie blown to smithereens, was the one that the Mossad had tampered with, and into which it had introduced its malware.

Which plants manufacturing each of these components had a Mossad agent on its assembly line?

And if there are some pagers still intact, how will Hezbollah manage to open them so as to study their components without Mossad setting off those pagers’ explosive contents?

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The Mossad has made things hellishly difficult for Hassan Nasrallah’s technology department. There is no agency on earth quite like it.
