Israel shuts down Gaza crossing following Palestinian violence

Palestinian rioting resulted in the closing of the Erez Crossing from Gaza into Israel. 

By: World Israel News Staff

Israel shut down the Erez Crossing into the Gaza Strip on Wednesday after a Palestinian mob violently rioted in the area and destroyed Israeli property the day before. The crossing will be closed until the repairs are completed.

On Tuesday, hundreds of Palestinian rioters on the Gaza side of the crossing threw rocks towards the Israeli side, damaging the crossing area.

“Every day, approximately 1,000 Gazans enter Israel through Erez Crossing to work, study or pray. Yesterday, hundreds of Gazan rioters damaged this same crossing, resulting in its closure for repairs,” the IDF stated.

The IDF added that passage from Gaza into Israel through the crossing will be permitted for individually approved humanitarian cases.

The Kerem Shalom Crossing, which serves as the main crossing for goods into to Gaza and which has been shut down several times in recent weeks due to Palestinian terrorism, was fully operational on Wednesday.
