Pence: ‘The best days for the US and our most cherished ally, Israel, are yet to come’

At a joint press conference at the Prime Minister’s residence, Pence and Netanyahu stressed their deep friendship and the common goals shared by the US and Israel, including the resolve to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.

By: Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Vice President Mike Pence’s joint press conference Monday evening with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ticked every box of friendship and closeness that has been rekindled between the two countries ever since President Donald Trump came into office a year ago.

Netanyahu described his personal rapport with the American dignitary, recalling how they met in 2009, when Pence served in the House of Representatives. The Israeli leader said he understood immediately that he was a “true friend” of Israel.

The prime minister once again expressed his gratitude for President Donald Trump’s “historic decision” to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, and commended Pence for his “magnificent” speech in the Knesset earlier in the day, describing it as “a powerful expression of the enduring bond between our two countries and of your personal commitment to Israel.”

Pence, noting the president’s message of appreciation for Israel’s “stalwart commitment to freedom,” said that “the events of this day have been deeply humbling to me,” referring again to “Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Israel.” He also expressed “confidence that with President Trump in the White House and with your strong leadership here in Israel, the best days for the United States and our most cherished ally, Israel, are yet to come.”

Netanyahu mentioned the strategic threat posed by Iran as he touched upon the regional challenges that the two leaders had discussed before the press conference. “Such a regime should not have nuclear weapons,” he stated, while praising Trump’s commitment to that goal.

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