Six wounded in burning and stabbing attack in Switzerland

Six people were wounded, some seriously, in a combined burning and stabbing attack on a train near Liechtenstein in northeast Switzerland. Police are investigating the motive.

At least six people were wounded on a train in Switzerland on Saturday afternoon when a man with a knife deliberately poured out a flammable liquid, which caught fire, and then proceeded to stab passengers.

Police are investigating the motive and have not ruled out terrorism.

The injured – some seriously – included a six-year old, three women and two men.

The damage to the train, according to a preliminary estimate, is over $100,000.

Europe has been hit by a number of mass-casualty Islamic terror attacks over the past year and has also been on alert for lone wolf attacks.

In what was later confirmed as an ISIS terror attack last month, at least 21 people were injured, come critically, when attacked with an ax by a man on a passenger train in Germany.

By: World Israel News Staff
