VP Pence: ‘Trump will never compromise safety and security of Israel’

US Vice President said Trump administration is in the “promise-keeping business,” including a commitment to never harm Israel’s security. 

US Vice President Mike Pence said on Friday that the Trump administration will ensure it does not undermine Israel’s national security in its efforts to forge an Israel-Palestinian peace agreement.

“As the President said, any agreement must be reached by both sides where there will undoubtedly have to be compromises. But know this, the Trump administration will never compromise the safety and security of the Jewish state of Israel,” Pence said, while addressing the Republican Jewish Coalition Leadership Conference at a Shabbat (Sabbath) dinner in the Las Vegas Venetian Hotel.

Pence also said the Trump administration will never allow Iran to become a nuclear-armed regime.

“President Trump will never allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon,” Pence emphasized. “That is our solemn promise to you and to the world.”

Pence was noticeably not as explicit regarding Trump’s prior commitment to move the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“We’re also reviewing additional steps to demonstrate America’s support (for Israel), including assessing whether the American embassy in Israel should be relocated to Jerusalem,” Pence said.

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Pence also said the Trump administration is in the “promise-keeping business.”

“This White House is in the promise-keeping business,” he insisted. “President Donald trump is going to fulfill the promises he made to you and to the American people.”

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News

