Analysis & Opinion

Opinion: Will Biden tolerate ‘pay for slay?’

We need to force the Palestinian Authority to stop paying terrorists, stop naming schools and streets after terrorists, and stop using their media to portray terrorists as heroes.
December 1, 2020
Belgium Parliament

OPINION: The audacity of Belgium

Belgium asks the Israelis to stop the demolitions and to repair the affected projects or to compensate for the damage suffered.
November 30, 2020
Merkel Erdogan

Opinion: Erdoğan as Merkel’s protégé

The level of cooperation in arms trade has also been significant in recent years. Ankara is now the number one importer of German arms in the world.
November 18, 2020
Election result protest

Caroline Glick: Where America now stands

Whoever the next U.S. president is, one thing is already clear: Thanks to the Democrats and the media, America's democratic order is in crisis. By Caroline Glick, Israel Hayom via JNS On Wednesday, suppor...
November 8, 2020
Joe Biden

Analysis: Summarizing Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s campaign performance and his career in almost a half-century in government make it pretty simple to summarize Biden, his beliefs and what he’d do if he is elected tomorrow.
November 2, 2020
Iranian missile

Opinion: A New Nuclear Deal with Iran?

Given the seriousness of these issues and the lack of trust in the mullahs, all provisions must not have 'sunset clauses' but be permanent.
October 29, 2020