Analysis & Opinion

Joe Biden

Opinion: The Swamp Returns to Washington

With the Biden administration in charge, the dominance of the bipartisan, credentialed, coastal, and connected establishment class will be restored.
January 6, 2021
President-elect Joe Biden

Analysis: Has the Democrats’ push to depose Biden begun?

The contour lines of an approaching scenario in which Biden, exposed as both frail and mendacious, is forced to step down and concede the presidency to his radical vice president, are gradually coming into focus. 
December 25, 2020
tank Gaza

Analysis: The IDF Must Revamp Its Strategies

Over the 20 years since the IDF’s withdrawal from Lebanon, Hezbollah has formulated an approach to warfare that reflects its awareness of the fact that the speed of the IDF’s offensive maneuver is the key to its operational advantage.
December 23, 2020
handshake agreement

Analysis: In praise of diplomatic quid pro quos

Trump’s critics blasted the Morocco-Israel normalization agreement as merely a transaction, rather than peace. They forget that deals based on mutual interests are the only kind that last.
December 16, 2020