Who are the ‘witnesses’? CNN probe into death of Al-Jazeera journalist hides relevant factsWhat CNN does not inform its readers is that the witness is not just a 'Palestinian journalist,' but someone who openly expresses support for Palestinian terrorists. May 26, 2022
A psychological exploration of weak Jewish response to Christian missionaries in IsraelIt's worth exploring the many ways Jewish political, social, communal and even spiritual leaders tied to the financial benefits of Christian missionary support delude themselves and their followers. May 24, 2022
Who’s winning Bernie Sanders’ war on AIPAC? – analysisComplicating matters is that bipartisanship is out of fashion in both parties. May 24, 2022
‘Ideology of rage’ comes to Congress – analysisWhen you examine the impact of the various anti-Zionist initiatives in the U.S. and Europe over the last 20 years, it quickly becomes apparent that their main effect has been to diminish the security of Diaspora Jewish communities. May 22, 2022
Iran takes more foreign hostages; Biden administration, EU stay silentIran most likely believes that detaining Western nationals will put pressure on the EU and the U.S. to accept its demands and seal the nuclear deal as soon as possible. May 22, 2022
Judge finds sufficient evidence linking American group to Hamas supportersStrong enough connections have been shown for the case to proceed, the U.S. court ruled. May 22, 2022
Dr. Oz wants Senate opponent barred from the race for thought-crimeOz charged that Kathy Barnette should be banned from running for the Senate because she doesn’t have a sufficiently positive view of Islam. May 19, 2022
Iran trying to force the US to meet all its demands – analysisThe Arabs are saying that they have lost confidence in the Biden administration because its policies will lead to disastrous results. May 19, 2022
Lebanese elections unlikely to stop country’s downward spiral – analysis'Lebanon was the Islamic empire’s first target. Over the past decade, it has fallen like a ripe fruit into Iran’s hands.' May 17, 2022
Journalists should report Israel news, not shape it – opinionWe sometimes forget that what we read in a newspaper or other media outlet is not just the news, but also reflects what a particular editor or reporter has decided is newsworthy. May 17, 2022
How Western dupes help propagate murderous Palestinian lies – opinionPalestinian lies are weapons of war, deployed to incite violence and mass murder. May 17, 2022
Selective outrage: Does the West really care about the slain Al Jazeera journalist? – analysisPA President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly threatened, imprisoned and even murdered his critics, to deafening international silence. May 16, 2022
The Muslim Brotherhood’s foreign minister – in IsraelIsrael’s government owes its survival to a hostile, antisemitic actor that is actively working towards its destruction. May 16, 2022
Jerusalem Arab hospital is victim of bigotry – analysisThe U.S. president should not be cleaning up the PA’s mess. May 15, 2022
Could this be the end of ‘Twitterstan’? – analysisThere appears to be hope in sight of ending the Left’s stranglehold on media. May 15, 2022
Should we mourn the death of an antisemitic journalist? – opinionIf someone spreads hatred against the Jewish people, potentially inciting her readers to murder Jews, should we weep over her death? May 13, 2022
Palestinians lie and America rewards them – opinionPalestinian leaders lie to the Americans and Europeans, who continue to believe that Abbas and his team are sincere about making peace with Israel. May 11, 2022
From war to university: Ukrainian teen math geniuses to study in Israel14-year-old Leonid Diachenko and friends will study math, computer science and physics at Bar-Ilan University. May 9, 2022
Russia and China: The worst moment in history coming soonIt cannot be a good sign that Russia, China, and North Korea at the same time are threatening to launch the world's most destructive weaponry. May 6, 2022
How did an MSNBC interview about Ukraine turn into an attack on Israel?The working assumption made by Hasan and Beinart is that Israel is a repressive society, as bad as Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. May 3, 2022
This is who’s teaching our kids about Israel – opinionThe Jewish community needs to take a long, hard look at the role that many Jewish academics play in influencing Jewish college students to side with the Palestinians over Israel. May 3, 2022
Biden warns Israel against ‘freedom of worship’ – analysisBiden’s last high-profile visit to Israel in 2010 ended with him staging a diplomatic incident and refusing to leave his hotel room to attend an event with Netanyahu. May 2, 2022
Hamas chief’s threats expose terror group’s irrelevance during RamadanLooking back, it was nothing more than bluster that kept Hamas in the news during the past month. May 1, 2022
Illiberal wokeness is waging a war on free speech and the Jews – opinionThe greatest threat to free speech are intolerant woke progressives determined to silence anyone who disagrees with them. April 29, 2022
Prioritize the defense of living Jews while honoring the Six Million – opinionAs the world confronts a rising tide of antisemitism, too many Jews are still focused on the wrong problems. April 28, 2022
Biden administration ignores what the Palestinians are really sayingFor Hamas, the riots at the al-Aqsa Mosque are simply part of a long-term strategy to destroy all of Israel. April 28, 2022
Does Netflix have a problem with Israel?By perpetuating mischaracterizations about Israelis, Palestinians and the lives they live, the worldwide streaming platform is confusing real-life stories with agenda-driven fables. April 27, 2022
Manhunt on for attacker who screamed ‘I want to kill my first Jew’While this offer is new, the attack by a radical Islamist took place during Chanukah last December. April 27, 2022
Holocaust remembrance: Are doomsday scenarios consistent with ‘never again’ mindset?Embracing the bogus comparison between Hitler’s 'final solution' and other conflicts is as ill-fated as believing that a repeat performance is inevitable. April 27, 2022
Don’t believe the spin: Biden will make a deal with Iran – analysisBennett and Lapid would be well-advised to put their self-congratulatory boasts on hold. April 27, 2022
Ilhan and Pakistani Islamist share incredible Islamophobia intimacy – opinionAn American elected official found the time to travel halfway around the world to discuss Islamophobia. April 26, 2022
What Russian TV wouldn’t let me say (about Putin and the Holocaust)Why is Russian television suddenly interested in how U.S. journalists covered Hitler? April 25, 2022
It’s time to end Jordan’s special status on the Temple Mount – opinionIf Jordan can't or won't use its influence to calm the Temple Mount year after year, there's no point being the holy site's custodian in the first place. April 24, 2022
Why is the Biden administration determined to help terrorist Iran get a bomb? – opinionThe Biden administration, if it actually cares about peace in the region, would do well to listen to the warnings of the many U.S. military leaders and Congressmen. April 24, 2022
‘Dual loyalty’ or ‘treason’? Former US ambassador to Israel defends pro-Israel stanceDespite its location in the Middle East, Israel has more in common with the West. Though this is a great blessing, it poses a serious problem. April 24, 2022
Ilhan Omar once again shows how much she hates America – opinionThe American lawmaker was enraged by Christians singing hymns on a plane. April 24, 2022
Kamala Harris’s Seder makes a mockery of Passover and the Jews – opinionAn ignorant viewer might have concluded that in the Bible, the Jews had left Ukraine, rather than Egypt. April 20, 2022
How Palestinians desecrate everyone’s holy sites, including their ownIf anyone is desecrating the mosque and other holy sites, it is Palestinians themselves. April 19, 2022
Passover dilemma: Will the left send us into exile? – opinionLike the ancient Israelites, having lost the law, we are now in the process of losing the land. April 19, 2022
Iran’s – and America’s – plans to fund Russia’s war in UkraineThe Biden administration could find itself accused of having the blood of innocent Ukrainian civilians on its hands. April 14, 2022
European attitudes towards defense undergo sea change in wake of Ukraine warCountries closer to Russia, always had a firmer grasp of the danger, 'but if you look at the Netherlands, Portugal, Luxembourg, there’s still this sense that Russia is far away.' April 14, 2022
Barack Obama comes out against the First Amendment – analysisOnce again, the authoritarian heart of the Left is revealed. April 12, 2022
Palestinian terror doesn’t distinguish between its victims – analysis'Kill them all and let God sort 'em out' isn't politically correct unless we're talking about Palestinian terror. April 11, 2022
Turkey’s charm offensive: Beware of Islamists bearing gifts – analysisWhat else does Erdoğan think he can win from the West by his hoax charm offensive? April 10, 2022
Crossing a line in coverage of the Tel Aviv carnage – opinionOne correspondent went as far as to tail soldiers on a door-to-door search for the terrorist, with a camera rolling on their faces and weapons. April 10, 2022
Why would a Jew support payments to Arab terrorists? – opinionWhen an MK's support of payment to terrorists' families is accepted by part of the American Zionist community, some serious questions must be asked. April 10, 2022
MSNBC: White people are too stupid to understand Will Smith’s slapImagine if anyone on TV had said that anything was 'hard to explain to a black person.' April 9, 2022
Israel’s political earthquake – a guide for the perplexedAnswering your questions about the new Knesset crisis. April 7, 2022
‘Very proud’ to be Jewish: Pro wrestling star fights hateIn 2022, it’s a tough time to be a Jew, and that may be why some Jewish celebrities have stayed silent. But MJF isn’t one of them. By David Meyers, The Algemeiner At a time of rising antisemitism, one mig... April 7, 2022
Ukraine war shifts European attitudes about energy, creating opportunity for IsraelEurope’s shift takes place just as Israel has jumped on the renewables bandwagon. April 6, 2022
The new ‘Ramadan Intifada’ – analysisLapid’s tour of the Damascus Gate was no more of a 'provocation' than Ariel Sharon’s 2000 visit to the Temple Mount. April 5, 2022
Ukraine demands everyone else boycott Russia while making billions from Russian gas'If Europe continues importing gas from Russia, why shouldn’t Ukraine benefit from it?' April 4, 2022
Jordanian King Abdullah’s role in Jerusalem: Mediator or menace? – analysisNews organizations are denying their vast audiences the critical context and background information needed to form their own opinions. April 3, 2022
Ben & Jerry’s tries to force ‘food apartheid’Food must never be withheld from a population. The very discussion is distasteful. April 3, 2022
Blinken’s obscene Western ‘progressive’ agenda – analysisBlinken demonstrated what it means to be a Western progressive: supporting people who murder Israelis and empowering others who want to wipe out Israel. April 1, 2022
Ukraine shows hating Israel isn’t about the Palestinians – opinionAny war, anywhere, is always Israel’s fault. March 31, 2022
Why Israeli Defense Minister Gantz forced Abbas to condemn terror — analysisBenny Gantz's primary concern may lie with his political future and legacy, believing that brokering a peace deal with the Palestinians will cement his place in Israeli history. March 31, 2022
Mahmoud Abbas condemns B’nei Brak terror, but so what?Israelis repeatedly called on Abbas to condemn Palestinian terror attacks, but when he finally did, it rang hollow. March 30, 2022
Arab countries say Biden policies harm US interestsThe crisis between the Biden administration and the Arab countries is so deep that it could take years, if not decades, to repair the damage. March 30, 2022
America caught between external and internal threats – analysisRussia and China are the external threats. Can you guess who the internal threat is? March 29, 2022