IDF eliminates 40 Hamas terrorists in Shejaiya, central Gaza

The IDF renewed operations in Shejaiya Thursday after Hamas terrorists fled there and began to regroup.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

The IDF reported that it eliminated 40 terrorists in the city of Shejaiya in central Gaza, after it renewed operations there.

They IDF added that it is likely that more than that number were killed after intensive strikes in buildings and tunnels.

Israel’s military renewed operations in the region Thursday after Hamas terrorists fled there and began to regroup, recruiting more terrorists.

In addition, troops discovered new tunnels in Shejaiya and also operated in central Gaza’s Netzarim Corridor.

The operation is being carried out by the 98th Division, with two brigades: the 7th Armored Brigade and the Paratroopers Brigade.

The IDF reported raiding Hamas headquarters, some of which were booby-trapped with explosives and battling terrorists.

Israel’s military fought in Shejaiya in December and dismantled a battalion there.

Hamas returned to the region in April as the IDF lessened the intensity of its operations there.

On Thursday, the IDF fought terrorists at a Shejaiya school that was turned into a Hamas terror complex and discovered a rocket launcher.

Read  IDF arrests terrorists embedded in detained UN aid caravan

IDF troops faced an intense onslaught as terrorists fought them with RPGs, explosives, and snipers.

In two separate incidents in Shejaiya over the weekend, two soldiers were killed and three were wounded.

The two fallen soldiers are Staff Sgt. Yair Avitan, 20, of the Paratroopers Brigade’s 890th Battalion, from Ra’anana and Sgt. First Class (res.) Yakir Shmuel Tatelbaum, 21, of the 7th Armored Brigade’s 77th Battalion, from Ma’ale Adumim.

The total number of Israeli troops that have been killed since the beginning of the war in Gaza is 318.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would conduct a situational assessment of the war at the IDF’s Southern Command.

Netanyahu emphasized on Sunday that Israel “will not end the war until we achieve all our goals.”
