Judea, Samaria official warns visiting UN ambassadors: Silence generates more Palestinian terror December 23, 2021The delegation in Benyamin. (Courtesy)CourtesyJudea, Samaria official warns visiting UN ambassadors: Silence generates more Palestinian terror Tweet WhatsApp Email https://worldisraelnews.com/judea-samaria-official-warns-visiting-un-ambassadors-silence-generates-more-palestinian-terror/ Email Print “The Palestinian Authority feeds off of this silence and encourages the terrorists, and we are paying the price, in the victims and their destroyed families.”By TPSTwelve U.N. ambassadors who are on a tour of Israel met with Binyamin Regional Council head Yisrael Ganz this week to hear a report on the Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria.The delegation, initiated by Israel’s Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan and the American Zionist Movement, includes the ambassadors from South Korea, Argentina, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Hungary, Nauru, Palau, Samoa and Zambia, representing a variety of countries from the different regional groups within the U.N.Ganz showed the delegation the data on the development of the Israeli towns and villages in the area and noted that in his opinion, this reality renders the two-state solution not viable.“Whoever talks about the two-state solution is not up to date. Preserving stability in this region will require other solutions. You play an important role in that. When you discuss the establishment of a Palestinian state, that plants false hope among the Arabs and they increase their violence and acts of terror against us,” Ganz explained.Read IDF use of air power increasing in Judea and Samaria amid rising terror threatGantz further pointed out the lack of infrastructure development in the region and asked the delegation members to help him in developing the roads.“I am promoting the paving of roads that will improve life for the entire population. Why do I have to be faced with obstacles? You should be helping me and joining as partners in this work. I call on you to be more active and to create joint efforts,” he said.The escalation in the security situation in Judea and Samaria was also discussed. Ganz told the ambassadors that “the silence of the countries and the international community serves as a tailwind for Arab terror. We are not hearing any countries calling on the Arabs to desist, giving them the feeling that they have your support.”“The Palestinian Authority feeds off of this silence and encourages the terrorists, and we are paying the price, in the victims and their destroyed families,” he added.Ganz also warned against the libels spread by radical leftist organizations against Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria and said that most of the material the ambassadors have received from those organizations is based on lies and incitement.The ambassadors held “a very positive conversation” with Ganz and thanked him for their first opportunity to hear about the reality on the ground.Read WATCH: IDF arrests 50 suspects in Judea and Samaria raids“We were deeply impressed by your connection to the land. We are leaving here wiser and this was a very valuable meeting for us,” they told him. ambassadorGilad ErdanJudea and SamariaUnited NationsYisrael Gantz