Palestinian Authority honors ‘martyr’ who murdered father of 12 and young soldier

“May Allah reward [him],” said a Fatah official greeting the family of murderer Omar Abu Laila.

By World Israel News Staff

When Fatah official Abbas Zaki arrived last week at the family home of Omar Abu Laila, who murdered two Israelis, he came to convey official recognition for the terrorist as a “heroic martyr.”

In March 2019, Abu Laila fatally shot Rabbi Achiad Ettinger, father of 12, in addition to stabbing to death Israeli soldier Gal Keidan.

Abu Laila was subsequently eliminated during a shootout with Israeli soldiers attempting to arrest him.

Since the terrorist’s death the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah have named a street, a square, and a mosque after him, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported. The PA has also referred to Abu Laila as “more honorable than [the rest] of us,” deeming him a “perfect human being.”

During Zaki’s visit to the Abu Laila family home last week, he reiterated the PA’s commitment to provide “all forms of aid to the families of the martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners,” affirming his government’s official policy of furnishing salaries to the perpetrators of terror-related crimes and the families of those who die committing such acts.

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Zaki posed for photos with the Abu Laila family holding a poster of the murderer at the site of a new home being built for them after demolition of the previous structure by the IDF, which is standard protocol after attacks such as the one Abu Laila committed.

Under orders from PA President Mahmoud Abbas, the PA has rebuilt the houses of other murderers, PMW reported.
