Palestinian jailed by PA for attending Bahrain released after US threats

Saleh Abu Mayala was part of a small group of Palestinians, led by businessman Ashraf Jabari, present at the event despite the official Palestinian boycott.

By World Israel News Staff

Hebron businessman Saleh Abu Mayala, who was said to have been detained by the Palestinian Authority (PA) intelligence forces when he returned from the U.S.-led economic conference in Bahrain, has now reportedly been released.

“According to Palestinian reports, the decision to release the businessman came following a threatening letter from the U.S. Embassy,” says Israel Hayom.

“We are pleased the PA has released the Palestinian they arrested after attending the Peace to Prosperity [Bahrain] workshop. We look forward to continuing our conversation with all who attended the workshop and anyone else who wants a better future for the Palestinians,” tweeted Jason Greenblatt,  a U.S. special representative for international negotiations, who attended last week’s two-day conference.

The PA boycotted the gathering, protesting what they viewed as an attempt to buy Palestinians off with economic aid before the announcement of a U.S. plan for a political solution.

Abu Mayala was part of a small group of Palestinians, led by businessman Ashraf Jabari, present at the event despite the official Palestinian boycott.

“Another participant, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, said he and the other Palestinian attendees feel they are in ‘great danger,’ having been threatened by the PA and on social media,” said Israel Hayom.

The U.S. economic plan, announced to coincide with the Bahrain conference, speaks of $50 billion in regional investment projects over the coming decade, with more than half in the Palestinian territories in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, and the rest in Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon.

When President Donald Trump declared U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017, the PA announced that it was cutting off diplomatic contacts with Washington.

The White House has said that publication of the political plan for Israelis and Palestinians has been delayed by the political instability in Israel. After a Knesset election in April, Israelis are scheduled to return to the polls on September 17.
