Knesset member draws pistol after Jews assaulted in sukkah

MK Itamar Ben-Gvir filmed drawing his personal firearm after being attacked by stone-throwers who mobbed Jews in sukkah.

By World Israel News Staff

A right-wing Israeli lawmaker drew his personal firearm after he came under a barrage of rocks during Arab rioting in eastern Jerusalem Thursday.

The incident occurred Thursday evening when an Arab mob rioting in the Shimon Hatzaddik (Sheikh Jarrah) neighborhood of the capital attacked Jews as they sat in a sukkah to mark the ongoing festival of Sukkot.

Two teenagers were injured in the stone-throwing attack, including a 17-year-old who suffered moderate injuries. Both teens were hospitalized following the attack.

MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, chairman of the Otzma Yehudit party – a faction within the Religious Zionist Party list – was also targeted by the Arab stone throwers.

In response, Ben-Gvir drew his personal sidearm, threatening to open fire on the rioters.

“The political echelon is tying the hands of our police officers. It is inconceivable that Arabs are throwing rocks near the police and the police do not respond by opening fire. It’s time to stop the lawlessness,” said following the attacks.

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Police and Border Police officers deployed to the neighborhood used tear gas and stun grenades to break up the riots.

Five Arab stone-throwers were arrested on the scene.

During the riots, local Arabs claimed Jewish youths hurled stones at a mosque.

Stone-throwing attacks and riots were also reported in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem, Beit Hanina in northeastern Jerusalem, the Palestinian Authority-administered village of Huwara in Samaria, Hebron in Judea, Kedumim in Samaria, and Psagot north of Jerusalem.

Riots also broke out in the Isawiya neighborhood of Jerusalem. Two Israeli police officers were injured during the incident, with 20 rioters taken into custody.
