Hamas threatens to kill Israeli lawmaker for confronting families of terrorists

Hamas threatened to kill a Knesset member after he confronted families of Palestinian prisoners with blood on their hands.  

By: World Israel News Staff

The Hamas terror organization has threatened to kill Member of Knesset (MK) Oren Hazan following a confrontation he had with family members of Hamas terrorists imprisoned in Israel.

On Monday, Hazan and a small group of protesters boarded a bus carrying Palestinians on their way to the Nafha prison to visit family members imprisoned for acts of terrorism, and engaged in a verbal confrontation with several of them. They subsequently continued to their destination after Hazan got off the bus.

Hazan was protesting Hamas’ refusal to relay information on the plight of Israeli civilians and the remains of IDF soldiers held by it in the Gaza Strip.

“I want to tell you all, your friends in Gaza are holding our brothers, Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul and Avera Mengistu, and if you do not bring this message home that we want to get our children back, you will not come here anymore. If you continue here you will not see them alive.”

Accompanied by video crews, he told the families of the prisoners that the inmates were “terrorists who belong in the ground.” He told one woman that her prisoner son was a “dog.”

In response, Hamas has issued threats against the lawmaker on social media, prompting the Knesset to boost Hazan’s personal security detail.

Hamas stated Tuesday that it had organized a solidarity rally with the families of the prisoners who were present at the clash with Hazan. Fathi Hammad, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, condemned “the blatant Zionist aggression against them.” He said the “dignity of the prisoners and their families is a red line.”

“We vow to our Palestinian prisoners that their freedom will be achieved very soon in a prisoner exchange deal,” he stated.

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Hazan’s “attack against Palestinian families visiting their detained children in Israeli occupation jails is a matter of show and propaganda looking for fame. Psycho problem,” Hamas tweeted.

Hamas also stated that it contacted the Red Cross Committee in Gaza to “discuss the consequences” of Hazan’s actions.

Responding to the threats, Hazan said Hamas’ hysterical response validated his actions and made him more determined to continue fighting on behalf of the families of Israeli captives in Gaza. He said Hamas was openly threatening him because he “hit them in their soft belly.”

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Hazan has a history of organizing publicity stunts. In May, for instance, when US President Donald Trump arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport, Hazan crashed the reception line to grab a selfie with the American leader, making headlines around the world. The incident prompted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to instruct the foreign ministry to exclude handshakes from future reception lines.
