Newborn delivered from mother killed in car crash dies in hospital

Doctors warned that the chances of the baby surviving was slim. 

By World Israel News Staff

The newborn delivered from her mother who had perished in Saturday’s horrific car accident on Route 6 died on Tuesday. Doctors had noted at the time that the chances of the fetus surviving were slim.

The accident which filled Israel’s headlines due to its terrible cost, cut short the lives of Irina Dubinski, 30, and her 12-year-old daughter Anat Rosenberg.

Medical staff at Tel Hashomer Sheba Hospital delivered the newborn from Dubinski, who was declared dead on arrival. Dubinski was in her 32nd week of pregnancy.

“The woman arrived in a condition of clinical death, and with massaging and resuscitation we delivered the fetus,” said Prof. Amitai Ziv, Deputy Director of the Sheba Medical Center at the time.

The crash involved a private car driven by Irena’s partner, Sergei Tsvetlov, and a commercial vehicle. Investigators have not yet released details of what caused the accident. According to reports, Sergei swerved into a guardrail for reasons that are unknown.

Also in the car was another daughter of Irena, Elisa Rosenberg, 7. She was moderately injured along with Sergei.

In the commercial vehicle were six people including three children. They were listed in light condition.

The Saturday accident occurred at 3:30 p.m. near Ben Shemen.

Irena and her family lived in Kiryat Yam. Those who knew who the family expressed shock at the accident.

Shiri Binyamin, the school counselor where Anat studied, said, “Just a lovely girl. Pleasant, gentle, quiet girl. All was just giving and joy.”

Israel Hayom reported that David Eben Tzur, mayor of Kiryat Yam, said: “We received the bitter news of the tragic accident that took Irina and Anat from us… This is very difficult… The people of Israel and the State of Israel should finally recognize that road accidents are our most difficult war.”

Israel has struggled to deal with deadly accidents on its roads, part of which is attributed to old infrastructure and part to poor driving habits.
