US hits 3 Iran-based terror leaders with sanctions

While the Obama administration has signed a nuclear deal with Iran and has released $150 billion in funds which Iran will use to finance terror around the globe, the US still acts to sanction terrorists.

The Obama administration has slapped sanctions on three senior al-Qaeda figures based in Iran who it accuses of helping transfer money and fighters from South Asia to the Middle East.

The Treasury Department announced Wednesday that it had identified Saudi national Faisal Jassim Mohammed al-Amri al-Khalidi, Egyptian national Yisra Muhammad Ibrahim Bayumi and Algerian national Abu Bakr Muhammad Muhammad Ghumayn as “specially designated global terrorists.” The move freezes any assets the trio may have in US jurisdictions and bars Americans from doing business with them.

According to the Treasury, al-Khalidi is an al-Qaeda military commission chief and a former battalion commander who had ties with the Pakistani Taliban. Bayumi is the group’s liaison with Iranian authorities and Ghumayn is in charge of al-Qaeda members who are living in Iran.

By: AP
