Netanyahu orders action against illegal Arab construction

Netanyahu is pushing for equal law enforcement among all sectors in Israel, including the demolition of illegally built Arab construction.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke by phone with Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan on Saturday evening, instructing him to move forward with a plan to take measures against illegal construction in the Arab sector.

These measures reportedly involve plans to demolish illegally built structures in the center and south of Israel, especially the Jerusalem region, where Arabs build without permits.

The prime minister’s bureau stated that Netanyahu is determined to enforce the law against illegal building equally – in both the Arab and the Jewish sectors.

His directive comes on the backdrop of the pending evacuation of the Israeli community of Amona, which was allegedly built on privately-owned Palestinian land and is slated to be removed by December 25 under an order from the High Court of Justice.

In a video address on Friday, Netanyahu called on the residents of Amona to act responsibly and not to respond with violence when evacuated from their homes by security forces, while emphasizing that alongside Amona’s evacuation, he had ordered the accelerated demolition of illegally built Arab structures within Israel.

“I call on everyone to act responsibly: Do not in any way harm IDF soldiers and security forces. These are our children, they are dear to us all, they protect all of us. There is no place for violence,” he stated.

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By: World Israel News
