Infamous German neo-Nazi convicted of Holocaust denial – again November 22, 2016Ursula Haverbeck (Carmen Jaspersen/dpa via AP)(Carmen Jaspersen/dpa via AP)Infamous German neo-Nazi convicted of Holocaust denial – again Ursula Haverbeck, an infamous German neo-Nazi, on Monday was convicted again of Holocaust denial and sentenced to prison.Ursula Haverbeck showed no sign of changing her inflammatory views, and in her closing statement in Verden district court talked of the “Auschwitz lie” and said the infamous Nazi death camp was actually a labor camp where nobody was exterminated by gas, the dpa news agency reported.She has been charged with Holocaust denial, a crime in Germany, for the content of several articles she wrote for a magazine called the Voice of the Reich.Haverbeck, 88, said she’d appeal her conviction and the two-and-a-half year sentence she was given.She is currently appealing other convictions from courts in Detmold and Lueneburg.In September, she was sentenced by a Detmold state court to eight months in prison for similar crimes.She has been embroiled in such incidents since 2004.By: World Israel News Staff AP contributed to this report.H GermanyHolocaustHolocaust denialNeo-NazisUrsula Haverbeck