Israeli Border Police arrest Molotov cocktail thrower, disperse riots at Rachel’s Tomb

On Wednesday night, dozens of Palestinian rioters arrived, blocking roads, burning tires, and throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at the grave site and at Border Police.

By World Israel News Staff

Israeli Border Police arrested an Arab rioter suspected of throwing Molotov cocktails in the area of ​​Rachel’s Tomb on Wednesday night amid ongoing disturbances in the area.

Every night for the past week border police have been working to disperse riots at ​​Rachel’s Tomb, Rescuers Without Borders reports.

On Wednesday night, dozens of Palestinian rioters arrived, blocking roads, burning tires, and throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at the grave site and at Border Police.

During the operation, the Border Police noticed a suspect holding a Molotov cocktail that he intended to throw. After a foot chase, the suspect was arrested by police.

A search of the suspect turned up a ready-to-use Molotov cocktail and a slingshot with which to apparently launch stones at the police.

The suspect, a 19-year-old resident of Bethlehem, was arrested for further investigation.

Also on Wednesday night, Arab terrorists threw Molotov cocktails into a structure at Oz Tzion in the Binyamin region, setting fire to it.

Four men were sleeping in the building when it was set on fire by the terrorists. They escaped by jumping through the windows. Two were lightly injured.

Since the start of Ramadan in mid-April, Jerusalem has been plagued with riots as Arab youth attack Jews, throwing stones at police and civilians and damaging property. After a brief calm that began Tuesday, police say the coming weekend will be a test of whether the calm, at least in the capital, will hold.

However, on Tuesday, in the heart of Jerusalem midday, a couple was attacked in their car on the way to pray at the Western Wall.

A mob of Arabs threw a block through their back windshield. They also smashed the front windshield and attempted to open the door. It took 10 minutes for the police to arrive, said Rivka Stern, who was in the car. Trapped in traffic, she and her husband managed to escape when a bus in front of them turned to the side to give them room to drive away.
