Jordan’s King vows to fight ‘Israeli extremists’ on Temple Mount August 16, 2016Jordan's King Abdullah. (AP/Seth Wenig, File)(AP/Seth Wenig, File)Jordan’s King vows to fight ‘Israeli extremists’ on Temple Mount Tweet WhatsApp Email Email Print Following Muslim riots on Sunday on the Temple Mount, Jordan’s King Abdullah II said he will fight against all attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque by so-called Israeli “extremists.” As reported in the Jerusalem Post, King Abdullah said in an interview to the Jordanian daily, Al-Dustour, “Our responsibility towards the Muslim holy places in Jerusalem is our top priority in the international arena, and we use all means necessary to defend al-Aksa Mosque.”According to King Abdullah’s claims, Israel continually tries to “change the status quo” on the Temple Mount, which, in actuality, restricts visitation rights of non-Muslims and restricts freedom of religion for Jews and Christians, while Muslims are allowed unlimited prayer at the site. Contrary to King Abdullah’s false claims, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly said there will be no changes to the status quo, which favors Muslims.After the 1967 Six Day War, when the Jewish people once again controlled the Temple Mount, Jordan was given the authority to manage the holy site and the Al-Asqa Mosque, where Muslim activists have often started clashes with Jewish worshipers, especially during holidays.By: World Israel News Staff al-AqsaKing AbdullahTemple Mount